How Can Image Optimization Increase Your Website Traffic?

Google keeps on transforming not only their text search, but the image search on the internet also keeps changing. In this article, you will get to know every detail related to the optimization of your pictures for Google to gain a high amount of traffic for your website.

Before anything else, I want you to know that image search should not be underestimated. Since there are numerous reverse image search tools available online, it now compares the images with other pictures posted on the internet. For instance, if you perform a reverse search of a photograph which shows an Audi, you will see a number of other similar images with their links, even if they all are optimized for unalike keywords.

As Google also has its own reverse search image engine, so it is vital to choose a picture for your blog post which is related for the article and the keywords used for the material you upload on website. For detailed content, Google will take infographic under consideration as helpful.


This part is significant for the Google and search by image . A minor practice can show you how important the filename of your image is especially for Google; if you insert in IM 444, you will see a massive number of different pictures that were posted on the internet directly from the camera. Hence, it is significant to include the keyword in the filename, and short ones are considered a better option. Even if you are keeping the filename long, the keywords which contain most importance will lose it.

In the Lightroom, it is essential to amend the filename when you export a picture. It is considered a better option if there is a single picture which is optimized for the vital keyword more than others. A choice here is to provide the first picture in the content with the most important keyword and insert other keywords for other images.

Furthermore, you must connect the keywords with a hyphen rather than an underscore because the words which are attached with an underscore are usually considered as one.


As earlier cited, you must give attention to the keywords you use in your pictures along with the written material. The image should be related to your blog article.

The Alt Text

The Alt text or words is super essential when you want to get SEO for your pictures. In it, you have to describe whatever is pictured in the image; it helps when your image cannot be adequately shown. Similarly, you also should try to insert several keywords, embedded in a sentence.


As compared to the filename, the importance of title is a little less one. It is recommended to keep the title of an image a short one and insert maximum three keywords in it.

EXIF Material

EXIF material is the data which comprises of background details which are inserted in it by the camera. This can provide details regarding the camera model or the copyright of the picture which helps the reverse image search tools to detect it. In software similar to Photoshop, you can easily amend the data.

The Topic

As informed in the earlier information, the picture as well as content, go hand in hand for search engines. A related picture has a positive impact on your content’s search engine optimization, and the topic of the image will also impact the ranking of your site.

Dimensions of Picture

The dimensions of the image you post are also very important when it comes to SEO. You must not exceed 300px.


The proportion of images which is ideal for your post is 4:3 in landscape picture optimization.

Image Resolution

The resolution of images is also very significant for SEO. Basically, it must be 72 dpi. The thumbnail of the pictures is not sufficient for the resolution of the picture.

Image Size

As you might already have an idea that large sized images take a lot of time in loading. Hence, you must keep your image sizes as minimal as possible. Not only to this but it is beneficial for your whole SEO strategy in your article.

URL of the Image

Similar to all other SEO aims, the address of the site (URL) have a huge impact. By creating different kinds of general folders and more specific names of images, you will enable Google to know about the details included in your picture.

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