How Effective Link Building Is? Why Choose a Professional Agency For It?

How Effective Link Building Is? Why Choose a Professional Agency For It?


Google searches are based on links. The more links we have from the relevant and authoritative sources, the better our website is going to perform in search engines.

Link building plays a significant role in driving organic traffic to your website. It becomes more effective in driving traffic when we merge sturdy technical search engine optimization foundations, incredible content, and the best user experience.

There are various techniques of link-building. But, if you want to be successful in the long run, you need to select the right one for your business.

With this guide, you will understand the effectiveness of link building today. However, before knowing its efficiency, it is vital to know what link building actually is!

What Is Link Building?

The process of obtaining hyperlinks from other websites to yours is known as link building. It is a technique for your user to sail through the pages over the internet. Search engines use these links to crawl either on the individual page of your website or between the entire website.

However, all the links are not created for only Search Engine Optimization or marketers. Some of the hyperlinks are designed for several other reasons. According to activeseoshield Obtaining certain links like the editorial link is considered the best for your SEO.

You can acquire links by providing valuable products and services or producing high-quality content for your readers. Additionally, you can use several link-building techniques to establish your authority and expand your chances of getting well-ranked in the search results.

How Link Building Works?

You can build links for your website in two different ways that include internal and external links. While the external links are tough to obtain, sharing internal links is easy and entirely depends on you. With little planning, you can increase the use of internal links and SEO for your business.

Moreover, you can use deep linking that not just links your contact page or homepages but also other relevant pages of your website. If you maintain a blog, you get the opportunity to link back some of the products or other internal pages through internal linking.

Therefore, the best and quality content will help you in attaining external links for your website. You can reach out to bloggers and influencers of your industry to provide them with a guest post for their website. Also, it is suggested not to pay for links as the paid links come from spammy websites.

How Effective Link Building Is?

When you blog continuously, your inbound links grow up to 97 percent. Link building is effective as it helps you in contributing towards improved ranking and traffic. They are helpful in several ways that include:

Building Relationships

Link building involves surpassing other relevant websites or blogs of your industry. It promotes a piece of content and infographics you have created and builds a long-term relationship with the influencers of your industry. These relationships make your business trustworthy in the eyes of your readers. Moreover, you also end you building relationships with writers or journalists who might be useful for your business in the future.

Building Brand

Link building assists you in exposing your brand to your readers and establishes you as an authority in your industry. Creating content is one of the link-building techniques that helps you in showcasing your company and building a brand.

Sending Referral Traffics

Apart from the impact link building has on the ranking, it also helps in diving organic traffics towards your websites. A link from a highly visited website enables you to increase your traffic, leads, or sales. Customers, who are genuinely interested in your website, will make their way using that link.

Improves SEO and Google Rankings

Links are considered to be the ranking sector of Search Engine Optimization. You can increase your rank for a specific keyword phrase. However, you need to have quality content related to that keyword. With relevant keywords, you can begin sourcing links.

Get Content Indexed Faster

It’s significant for search engines to find quality content. Having other’s links on your website will ensure that you get noticed by the search engines and index faster.

Factors Determining The Behavior Of Link Building

Some links are very beneficial in terms of search engine ranking. They involve certain factors like:


Popular websites get more external links because of the number of websites linked to them. However, you also get an inbound link you get from sites similar to your industry.

Anchor Text

When someone links your content using a particular keyword as an anchor phrase, this makes your website a good resource in the eyes of the search engines. Nevertheless, if the same anchor text is used frequently, the search engine will presume it to be a spammy strategy.

Sources of the Links

Links are considered to be of greater importance when you get them from reputable or authoritative websites. Search engines use methods to identify irrelevant content while Google has the ranking system to grade the web pages according to their reputation.

Reasons For Choosing Professional Agency For Link Building

You know what link building is and how efficient it is for your website. But, do you know that you should consider a professional agency to work for link building? Well! Here the some of the reasons for selecting a professional agency for link building:

Improves Your Domain And Page Authority

The quantity and quality of inbound links help Google in determining the rank of a particular website. The higher domain authority marks up the higher that and is precisely depends on search terms. Link building agency helps you in collecting more relevant links for your website. It makes your business invest more in the best links in link-building campaigns, thereby enabling it to rank higher in organic search.

Increases Brand Visibility

When you work with a link-building agency or a guest post agency like Active Seo Shield, it helps you obtain links from guest posts and makes your business more exposed to your readers. Using guest posting service is effortless and helps you advertise your business in front of new customers for free. More visibility gives more people exposure to your business, thereby increasing traffic in the future.

Increases Brand Authority

Link building agencies handle the link of the relevant content and establish your business as an authority. It generates more traffic, increases your conversion rates, and makes your business worthy of the trust of your customers.

Competitive Edge

There are numerous tools to let you know where the link points. Link Building agencies help you in strategizing competitors’ analysis so that you know from where your competitors are obtaining links. You can target the same link if it is authoritative and boosts your website’s reliability.

Long-Term Investment

Investing links via link-building publications provides you with long-term benefits like digital marketing and SEO methods. They help you in gaining more or less placement and drive referral traffic to the website.

Like other houses, you can even do link building on your own in various ways. But hiring an agency will help you build a sturdy link for your website that will last longer.


We often forget the number of benefits link building holds and focuses on search engine optimization or digital marketing strategies. However, building a link is never a bad idea. So, you can start by building links now!

Link building is not an easy task, and the methods of building it have also been evolved. But, using an agency to do the job will maximize your opportunities more broadly.

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