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Jobs in the Wiregrass – Story | DothanFirst

While the Wiregrass is known for having openings when it comes to health care there are some other occupations available that may surprise you.

The Labor Market Information Division of the Alabama Department of labor released its new employment projections through 2024.  The  study suggest that certain jobs are not in demand like they used to be from bookkeeping to accounting to auditing clerks, but locally the medical field is thriving along with jobs  that are versatile.

Senior Executive Vice President of Personnel Resources Marybeth Reynolds says, “In the Wiregrass what we have seen most recently is there is a huge demand for truck drivers we have also seen there is a very big demand for medical.”

Another surprising job that is in demand of employers is in Marketing. Reynolds says, “Not just traditional aspects of marketing but really focusing on things like Google analytics and social media search engine optimization how those items work together to help generate business for industries.”

A good place that Personnel Resources recommends people look for jobs is Indeed.com; it provides good resources and can suggest jobs in your area.

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