Launching A Course From Start To Finish In 2018 (FS279)

Are you putting a lot of time and effort into making a course? Is no one buying it? Are you finding it challenging to figure out how to get it sold?

Well look no further. We’re talking about how to actually get a course purchased. 

You can make a course on anything that people want to learn how to do.

You make a course, you put this work together, it’s a thing that teaches someone how to unclog their own drains or how to live with more intention, how to earn revenue for their business using Facebook ads, how to consolidate all of their families memories onto media in the cloud or whatever it is.

The big question is, How do you get people who want to learn how to do that to the page that sells the course with enough motivation and desire to actually purchase it? This is all super challenging stuff and doing that today is very different than doing that five years ago.

On today’s episode we’re going to talk about is how would you build a buzz for a course in 2018 that could help you get some of those things sold.

Today on the show we are joined by Steph Crowder who is actively launching her first big girl course. She’s done lots of group programs, lots of coaching and she’s been involved with Fizzle courses for a long time. She’s no stranger to making the courses but this is her first one in some ways. 

We also talk about having something that can be replicated and repeated and will work for a variety of different people and different situations versus basing it specifically to one individual. It’s having the right expectations going in and staying committed to the process throughout. Getting people excited and engaged and much more so be sure to tune in a get it all in this episode!

READ ALSO  How to Grow With Intention & Avoid Growth for Growth’s Sake (FS290)

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Having the proper expectations and committing to the process. [0:08:13.0]
  • The different values of transformation within a course. [0:12:00.0]
  • Knowing whether a course is worth putting your time into. [0:17:00.0]
  • Creating a course that adds value. [0:22:00.0]
  • The meaning of real entrepreneurship. [0:25:25.0]
  • Detaching from the outcome and setting good, better and best goals. [0:29:30.0]
  • The importance of engagement. [0:33:50.0]
  • Knowing your conversions and setting goals according. [0:35:19.0]
  • Different ways of building buzz for your launch. [0:37:33.0]
  • Giving your audience a reason to engage. [0:41:50.0]
  • Deciding on what your freebie will be that plays toward your value prop. [0:45:30.0]
  • Incorporating a variety of build buzz activities. [0:51:00.0]
  • Pre sell your course and get people locked in. [0:53:30.0]
  • Running workshops/webinars through launch week. [1:02:15.0]
  • How inviting people to your activities gets them to take the next step. [1:10:00.0]
  • Take advantage of success stories from customers and elevate them. [1:12:20.0]
  • And much more!

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

How to set goals that actually stick!Learn how to set goals that actually stick!

The Top 10 Mistakes in Online Business

Every week we talk with entrepreneurs. We talk about what’s working and what isn’t. We talk about successes and failures. We spend time with complete newbies, seasoned veterans, and everything in between.

One topic that comes up over and over again with both groups is mistakes made in starting businesses. Newbies love to learn about mistakes so they can avoid them. Veterans love to talk about what they wish they had known when starting out.

These conversations have been fascinating, so we compiled a list of the 10 mistakes we hear most often into a nifty lil’ guide. Get the 10 Most Common Mistakes in Starting an Online Business here »

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