SEO guidelines for content writers · Ghana Education News

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SEO is an abbreviation that stand for  SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. To optimize means to get the best output from ones effort. As writers, we ought to if not at all have a basic knowledge in this field of knowledge so we can get the best from our effort as well as the reading population online is concern.

SEARCH ENGINES aids not only websites and blog owners but we as writers to get our articles been notices by many more readers.

As a learning blogger, I have come to appreciate the importance SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION or SEO for short plays in my attempt to make some earnings from my efforts as a writer.

If you have a good site and content and you use the right words in you content. Your site, blog or post is more likely to pop up among the few few options when an internet user makes a search on the major search engines around such as google and bing.

If you want to reap the full benefits of your efforts online as a writer, then this bis the time to dig more into the function of SEO and how to master it.

Make sure you get very good keywords into your content, try to search for them on google to see if such words are already in search engines and then see how best you can work with them to bring your content to the world to read.

As I said earlier on you have to do more research to learn about this all important tool for your success.

Just as a student will need a dictionary and a specific word to be able to find the meaning  of that world, so would all online writers need SEO tools and knowledge so that traffic can be increased to their posts or sites or both


by Yorm

Originally posted on February 8, 2016 @ 5:54 pm

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