should you try google shopping ads

Should You Try Google Shopping Ads?

I have said it before, you have to advertise your online shop. There are only so many free marketing ideas you can do and they still will not give you the traffic and return that advertising will.

If you have an online shop, including an Etsy shop, you may want to consider Google Shopping Ads. Over the last few months I have reviewed the advertising stats for many Etsy shops that have been running these ads, and I have to say, all the shops I have seen to date have had good success.

How to Measure Ad Success

Advertising costs should never be more than 25% of what you gross back in revenue. The reason is, you have to account for your profit margins. If your profit margins are 50%, this means if you spend $200 on an ad that grosses you $400 in sales (which means it then nets you $200 in profit), you are not making any money, just breaking even. The average return I have been seeing on Google Shopping ads is the ad cost averaging 20% or less on what the shop ends up grossing in sales. This is a good return.

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Now, this is not to say that every shop will have the same success. If your current conversion rate is less than 3% (number of orders/number of views) do not run ads because you will just end up paying for click-through. Instead, identify and fix your conversion issues first.


If you sell on Etsy, and you want to try Google Shopping Ads for the first time, Etsy will match your ad spending for the first 30 days, up to $25. In addition, if you spend $25 within the first 30 days, you’ll receive $100 in Google Shopping credit.

By the way, this is a completely unbiased, unpaid opinion. I do not get compensated in any way for recommending these ads, either from Etsy or Google. I have always just passed on marketing advice that works, free of charge.

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