
Man Versus Machine

The advances in machine learning, automation, and robotics that we have witnessed over the last few years keeps bringing back the old “man versus machine” debate that is probably as old as technology itself—so old that it’s not even as gender-neutral as it should be. Some professions evolved due to technological advances while others disappeared […]

Man Versus Machine Read More » buys Acquisio for machine learning, PPC management capabilities

Acquisio, which provides SEM campaign management tools for enterprises and small businesses, was acquired by has many thousands of small business customers, who buy web hosting and a range of digital marketing services, including search, social and e-commerce. The terms of the transaction, announced Wednesday, were not disclosed. Montreal-based Acquisio has invested heavily buys Acquisio for machine learning, PPC management capabilities Read More »

The Secret to SEM Success: Machine Learning November 1, 2017   When you consider the combination of machine learning and PPC, what are your thoughts? Do they excite or scare you? We get EXCITED. The pressure to drive growth has never been greater. More strategic approaches will be required in the future to stay ahead of your competition. Implementing new ideas

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Facebook food ordering, Google Posts automation & machine learning

Barry Schwartz Barry Schwartz is Search Engine Land’s News Editor and owns RustyBrick, a NY based web consulting firm. He also runs Search Engine Roundtable, a popular search blog on very advanced SEM topics. Barry can be followed on social media at @rustybrick, +BarrySchwartz and Facebook. For more background information on Barry, see his full bio and

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How machine learning levels the SERP playing field

We don’t ordinarily think of Google when we think about competition in the digital marketing world, since it seems to reliably dominate most areas in which it does business. A recent segment discussing corporate monopolies on John Oliver’s “Last Week Tonight“ hilariously referenced Bing as the dominant search engine with a graphic that stated, “Bing.

How machine learning levels the SERP playing field Read More »

How to Turn Your Company’s Pinterest Efforts Into a Lead-Generation Machine

Pinterest is one of the most underrated social networks for lead generation and customer acquisition. But, in fact, Pinterest is one of the largest social media networks in the world. Used by 175 million people, it’s growing at a rate that’s doubling and tripling in some international markets. Related: 3 Super Simple Pinterest Strategies to Quickly Grow Your

How to Turn Your Company’s Pinterest Efforts Into a Lead-Generation Machine Read More »

The future of paid-search marketing is machine learning and AI

Acquisio released a report (PDF) this month that argues machine learning algorithms can dramatically improve paid-search marketing performance vs. accounts that don’t use them. Acquisio calls its suite of machine learning tools “Acquisio Turing,” after British computer scientist Alan Turing. The company looked at thousands of campaigns over a two-year period, comparing results from machine learning-supported

The future of paid-search marketing is machine learning and AI Read More »

How AI and Machine Learning Will Impact Content

Artificial intelligence development and its impact on different industries have been all the rage in the last year. The digital marketing medium is facing years of fundamental strategic changes due to revolutionary new intelligent technologies. It shouldn’t be difficult, however, as this dynamic medium has already been able to effectively adapt to new changes like

How AI and Machine Learning Will Impact Content Read More »

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