
How Employers and Employees Can Adapt to an Automated Workforce

As companies increasingly bring automation to the supply chain, it’s important for employers and employees to work together to make their workplace safer, more efficient, and more beneficial to humans than ever before. Despite the fact that suppliers who are adopting automation technologies have the potential to reap substantial cost savings and increase profitability, some […]

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Keep Your Workforce Motivated and Boost Productivity with these tips

Every company wants to see that their employees are happy and engaged with the work they’re contributing towards the business. Engaged and motivated employees give their best work and contribute to a positive working environment. It is in every businesses best interest to promote job satisfaction for all employees. If you begin to notice your employees are

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5 Social Engineering Scams Your Workforce Should Know!

Employee awareness of social engineering is essential for ensuring corporate cybersecurity. If end users know the main characteristics of these attacks, it’s much more likely they can avoid falling for them. Today’s data threats don’t discriminate; businesses of all sizes are susceptible to attacks. However, small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are often less prepared to deal

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Anywhere Workers Define The Future Of The Workforce

Free-Photos / Pixabay Digital nomads aren’t just the hippies of 2018. They are actually redefining what it means to be in the workforce. The term “digital nomad” has been picking up over the last few years. It’s the lifestyle dream of being able to travel the world while getting paid by either freelancing, hopping from

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The U.S. Workforce Is Lagging When it Comes to Learning

How competitive is America’s Future Workforce? originally appeared on Quora – the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. Answer by Eric Duffy, works at Pathgather, on Quora: The key to workforce strength is agility — how quickly and efficiently workers can update their skills. Technology

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