Top Digital Marketing Tips for Your Business

Top Digital Marketing Tips for Your Business

Today, businesses cannot thrive without digital marketing including search engine optimization, content development, social media marketing, email promotion, and so on. All these are crucial to the success of your business, big or small.

Did you know that there are more than 4 billion internet users worldwide and over 3.4 billion active users on social media sites? It shows that going digital is the best way to reach out to a wider customer base, which is not possible through traditional marketing alone. Again, digital marketing helps in customer engagement, turns potential buyers into loyal customers, and finally turns leads to loyal, happy buyers. That is what matters for your business.

According to an article published on, when it comes to the digital marketing summit of 2020 this March, it would feature strategic decision-making, insights, as well as expert case studies to assemble a cross-segment audience comprising of your 200 peers for sharing the best practices in an evolving digital marketing landscape.

Then, starting a digital journey, especially for startups or small businesses with little online visibility is not easy. Then, you need to expand your business and inspire your marketing team. Here are the top tips to boost your digital marketing strategies for your business:

Optimize your business content for voice search

Did you know by 2021, 30 percent searches would be carried out sans the use of any screen? There are many ways to do so including FAQ pages, use of easy words, long-form content, as well as short sentences.

As voice search has made connecting with some audiences considerably a little challenging, figuring out precisely what visitors are looking for and how they are doing so is essential to build content that effectively attracts organic voice search traffic to your business website. You need to optimize your content, and to do so you should mull over the dissimilarity between a search, which is entered and a search that is vocal and involves deeper search intent and perspective.

For voice search to become more effective, you need to include natural language patterns if you want to drive traffic to your website via spoken queries. Optimize your web pages for the long-tail keywords (KWs) and not merely shorter KWs or search terms. Try to integrate complete sentences as your targeted KWs in your search tactic as well as add phrases to the header to match the distinctive KW string of queries.

Include videos in your marketing strategy

Today, you cannot succeed without video marketing, which is the lifeline of your digital marketing efforts. Did you know that online videos contribute to over 82 percent of customer web traffic by the year 2022? It is at least 15 times greater than it was back in 2017. Without videos, you will end up missing sales opportunities, leave alone audience engagement.

Studies show that 97 percent of marketers believe that videos help consumers understand a product better. A video will offer your customers that close-up look and feel of your product or for that matter, service. If you have any questions on video marketing online, you can look up digital marketing agency Auckland or similar ones.

Know your customers

No matter whether you are promoting a long-form blog or marketing your video, you need to know who your audience is on the other end. Why they visit your website and like or dislike your products? Which is the content type that they engage with most of the time? What brand voice do they prefer – casual, conversational, or formal? You need to ask these questions and then create content for your targeted audience. There is no point in wasting your time and marketing dollars on content that does not resonate with your prospects.

Know the buyers’ pulse and design your marketing strategies accordingly. Remember the best content will come from your targeted audience.

Focus on any one or two social media site

You will find many businesses that have multiple social media profiles. Avoid this at any cost. If you want to increase brand awareness, presence on Facebook and Instagram is more than enough. There is no need to have a business page on a dozen of these social sites like Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and so on.

Take some time out of your busy schedule and market your products on social media sites that are best for your brand. Understand which social site would help you reach out to your customers easily. Accordingly, invest your money and time.

If you are on Instagram, for instance, then create more Instagram Stories to pique audience interest. In such a case, avoid too much focus on social sites such as Twitter or LinkedIn. Then, keep an eye on whether your prospects are hitting the like button of your posts on a particular social platform or not.   

Integrate videos onto your site

Today, Google loves videos and your prospective customers too. Then, what are you hesitating for, huh? Based on the findings of Forrester, a web page that has video content is 53 times more possibly to occupy the top spot in the SERPs compared to those pages that only comprises of text-based content. It shows that search engine giants such as Google prefers video content, thus giving your website an SEO benefit.

Focus on quality content and not quantity

Relevance is all that matters when it comes to your marketing campaigns, especially in content marketing online. There are zero benefits if you promote poor-quality content in huge numbers, thus creating a bad impression about your business. It would do more harm than any good. Therefore, spend your money, effort, and time to churn out high-quality and unique content that reflects your brand and business values. You know that less is more.

Develop interactive content

Studies indicate that 91 percent of consumers prefer interactive content and therefore, stand out in the crowd with shoppable posts, polls, quizzes, augmented reality or virtual reality, and 360-degree videos. You can use interactive content in your social media posts.

Final thoughts

Now that you have these tips ready, you can make the most out of your digital marketing strategies. Use these to your benefit to drive traffic to your website, generate leads, gain loyal customers, and increase sales.

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