Video Marketing Strategy: How to start converting social media followers

Video Marketing Strategy: How to start converting social media followers

Brands need a video marketing strategy!

Video marketing is not a new concept. Marketing strategies keep changing, and marketers employ the latest technology and social media platforms to make video marketing work. 

With the popularity of social media, many marketers are looking to engage with the target audience. With the help of video marketing, they are able to engage with the target audience and convert them for sales. 

As per the whitepaper released by Cisco, “the total number of mobile subscribers (those subscribing to a cellular service) will grow from 5.1 billion in 2018 to 5.7 billion by 2023.”

With such a number, it is not a wonder that video marketing has become a central concept for successful and effective marketing strategies for brands.

What is Video Marketing?

Video marketing is the strategy used by marketers to create videos that express the brands’ values, product designs, and services. Videos are essentially used to engage the audience and convert them for sales. 

The idea is to keep the target audience engaged with the brand’s video and create a long-lasting impression on them. 

What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing is the strategy of using social media platforms for the marketing of a brand. Using this strategy, the marketing team can engage with the target audience on social media and encourage them to follow and buy from brands. 

People are using social media platforms heavily to communicate with their friends and family. With the increasing use of mobile phones and social media, marketers have targeted video marketing on social media platforms. 

Social media video marketing: things to consider

Creating videos for social media marketing is a great way to engage and communicate with your followers. 

However, Youtube is the king of video content. New stats show that users watch more relevant video ads on social media platforms. 

Creating a social media video strategy takes time and planning as any other marketing plan. Although, you must outline the plan using the following points-

  • Set goals
  • Define your target audience
  • Decade type of video you want for marketing
  • Create creative videos
  • Share and monitor the success

Once you have planned our marketing strategy for your brand, it’s time to create videos. Use the video guidelines in the platform for which you are creating brand videos. 

It is advisable that most people do not have longer attention spans. Keep the videos short and direct to the point to convey messages in the shortest possible time. 

For example, Instagram has recommended video lengths of seconds for best marketing.

How to use video marketing to start converting social media followers?

Many times companies jump to the video creation process before thinking it through. You cannot impulsively create videos for your brands. 

After spending tons of money on creating videos, businesses realize that their future goals are stalled when the project is completed. Some businesses just copy the social video fads, which do not create interest in their audience.

Video marketing needs a foolproof plan for results. The videos must be planned as per the planning of the marketing team, and the approach should emphasize content and interaction to attract customers.

In the following sections, we will cover the steps in which you should plan, attract and convert the target audience using video marketing. 


Developing a video marketing strategy is the first step. It is in this step that marketers are tasked with attracting users and convincing them to follow you. At this stage, most users are aware of their problems, but they are unaware of the solutions. 

You should be able to empathize with their problems and introduce them to the possible solution if they follow you. Videos at this stage should be able to gain the trust of the audience. The videos at this stage need not be educational. You have to evoke feelings in your audience so that they can associate with you. 

Brands can use Explainer video companies at this stage, as they are short and crisp and offer relevant tips for solving users’ problems. 

It is necessary to refrain from speaking too much about your brand in the ‘attract’ stage videos. Instead, focus on the user problems and provide possible solutions to them. 


At this stage, a user is now your follower. You can create videos to entice them to convert into a lead. The process starts by filling out a contact form for you. Videos can be said to this process, whether by encouraging them to click on the link or visit your website for more information. 

The overall goal at this stage is to educate and excite your users. With video marketing, you can introduce your follower to the solutions your brand offers and collect their information for further business. 

Some simple examples of convert videos are product demos, webinar videos filled with tactical advice, landing pages with promotional videos, and in-depth explainer videos. Videos for the conversion stage need to be persuasive enough to convince users to become leads. 


Now when you have attracted your users and converted them into leads. Now is the time to close your leads to customers. This step is important as well as challenging for marketers. 

Generally, at this stage, your leads are just contemplating the choice to make a purchase with you. Hence you can make a video that entices them to buy your product. Making product explainer videos at this stage will help them to make decisions. 

The best examples of Close stage videos are testimonial videos, in-depth demo videos, culture videos, and personalized videos showing the benefits of using your product/service. 


Many marketers overlook this stage of conversion. Brands need to pay close attention to the post-conversion stage if they want to maintain their customers’ loyalty. At this stage, you can provide creative and remarkable content to your users so that they continue interacting with your brand. 

With the post-conversion videos, you can interact and connect with your cutworms. There are also chances that your customers will tell their connections about your brand, which will create positive advertising for your brand. 

Some excellent examples of delight stage videos are welcoming videos after their purchase, onboard videos for your meteors, and detailed videos or freebies featuring best in industry tips and tricks. 

Wrapping up- Measuring Success

It has been a successful video marketing campaign. You’ve curated videos, and you’ve shared them on social media. So what’s next?

Video marketing with social media needs monitoring. Monitoring your success with the help of online tools and analytical systems helps you understand your progress. Brands can make creative videos with the help of Explainer Video Company. 

Komal Kokate is the Co-Founder and CEO of MotionGility – An Explainer Video Company. With a keen eye to creativity, she is an expert in video marketing. While delivering high results to clients , she loves exploring the market and the latest marketing trends in the B2B industry.


Komal Kokate

Komal Kokate is the Co-Founder and CEO of MotionGility, an Explainer Video Company. With a keen eye for creativity, she is an expert in video marketing. While delivering high results to clients, she loves exploring the market and the latest marketing trends in the B2B industry. Connect with her on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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