What Current Day Me Would Say to New Blogger Me 10 Years Ago

“Ryan, everything will happen in the perfect place and at the perfect time during this journey. Everything happened to bring you to right here and now, and made you who you are today.

The years of blogging struggles helped you purge the deep, heavy fears most bloggers carry around like a yolk. This is why you are a natural in front of the camera during your live videos; struggling through fears, feeling hopeless and finally embracing and feeling these intense fears may have felt horrible at the time but purged the self-conscious, zany fears most bloggers cling to, which prevent them from doing live videos and being the successful bloggers they wish to be.

Hopping back and forth between niches, writing and publishing 60 thin posts daily between 2 blogs and doing other seemingly stupid and definitely failure-producing stuff years ago helped you become incredibly prolific 10 years down the road, to where you would write and publish 500 guest posts on Blogging Tips Dot Com alone.

Please don’t try to avoid some of your immediately family shunning you due to freeing, inspired choices you make with your blog and travels. You need to make the same decisions. By experiencing the pain and guilt associated with these moments you clear these fears to shine brightly for the family known as humanity, serving people from all over the globe who are just as much a part of your family as your immediate fam.

As for the money troubles, each seeming problem, nightmare or flat out terror needed to happen early on and years into your journey for you to face, feel and purge fears you clung to related to money. You needed to learn that money does not mean anything; it is a neutral means of exchange, and if you have 4 cents to your name (and you will), if you go $70,000 in debt (and you will) or if you have $5 or $5,000 or more, it suggests nothing about you, your worth as a human being, or your level of security, because anything of value in life flows from within, not from the without.

Critics will be your best friends. The person who posts a 1 star review on your Amazon eBook who you want to hate, or fight, just reflected your lack of clarity and belief in yourself and the eBook back to you. Buy them a gift versus fighting them; they triggered a fear you needed to feel and clear in order to become the successful blogger you are today.

All good things take time. It will take years of you facing, embracing, feeling and clearing deep fears so you can practice and hone blogging skills which inspire friends like Zac Johnson to invite you to guest post on Blogging Tips, and which inspire friends like Alonzo Pichardo to ask you onto his podcast and YouTube channel for online success chats. You will have to pay your dues for years to earn the privilege to appear on these icon’s sites.

You will also learn how kind, generous, compassionate and highly successful online entrepreneurs like Zac and Alonzo went through, experienced and embraced terrible heartache and trauma to become the heart-centered and successful folks they are today. Going through incredibly difficult times made them face, feel and release fears that made them compassion, generous, detached and worldwide leaders in their niches. You will experience the same thing as you face, embrace and release your deepest fears and associated nightmares.

Everything that you want as a new blogger means nothing but everything that you give over the next decade means everything.

Your wife Kelli will be your greatest cheerleader during your journey, walking you off the ledge more than a few times. She will support you 99.99% of the way and even when she has human moments and doubts you 0.01% of the time, she will offer the gift of triggering your fears that you need to let go, to grow, or she will show you how genuinely clear you are on your trust, your devotion to your intuition and your sense of detachment from results.

Over the next decade, you will slowly learn, year over year, that successful blogging is about picking a niche you feel passionate about, helping folks generously as you develop your blogging skills through persistent practice, and giving virtually no attention and energy to outcomes, because the less you care about what you’re getting, the more things seem to be building for you.

Everything happens at the perfect place and time Ryan. Remember this. Trust in your intuition. You are loved. You are always being helped, even if you’re not sure of where the help is coming from. Believe in you and blog with love.”

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