What’s the trust of your webpage?

Search engine optimization is important to the visibility and ranking of a law firm webpage. There are many factors that go into how a law firm webpage ranks. Further, the algorithm that the search engines employ is constantly evolving and changing.

However, there still are some universal truths as it relates to search engine optimization. Search engines look at the coding of the webpage. They also look at the domain age and where it is hosted. Content is also critical to how a webpage ranks. The more relevant content, the better of the webpage generally. Backlinks are also still not dead and do matter.

However, another factor that most overlook and do not understand is topical trust flow as it relates to backlinks. The search engines literally measure the backlinks to a webpage and the topical trust flow of those links. The more legal-related these links are, the better for the search engine optimization of the webpage.

If these links also link to deep pages within your webpage (which means they do not simply go to the homepage), the better this can be as well. This shows the search engines that your webpage has great content that has legal webpages that are citing to in their content.

When the search engines see that there are legal citations going to your webpage, they like it. When the search engines like it, your webpage is bound to rank much higher than much of the competition.

When looking at a webpage ranks, it isn’t only about the homepage as well. It’s important to have other pages of your webpage ranking high across the search engines.

In terms of how to get excellent legal links, the process is complex. Again, content is key. So, if you have great content, many authoritative legal cites are bound to rank to your webpage over time organically. If the links are organic, the search engines tend to like these links much better.

There may be things you can do to get paid legal links to various pages of your webpage with relevant anchor text, but generally speaking, these search engines give these paid links less weight. Getting paid legal links can also be expensive and prohibitive for many law firms.

Either way, do not discount topical trust flow as it relates to the ranking of a law firm webpage. As things stand currently, topical trust flow is an important factor in how a webpage ranks. It is not simply about having lots of backlinks. It is about the quality of these links and whether they are law related.

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