Why This 1 Part of Your LinkedIn Profile and Resume Should Look Exactly the Same

When looking for a new job today, we need both a resume and a LinkedIn profile. Recruiters use LinkedIn to find candidates that match a hiring manager’s needs. They then often ask for a copy of your resume so they can pass it along to the hiring manager with the link to your LinkedIn profile. Why? The resume format is different from the LinkedIn profile, offering varying or additional information that helps the hiring manager decide whether they want to interview you for the job.

Don’t get creative with your work histories. Here’s why…

The one section of your resume and LinkedIn profile that should always be identical is your work history bullet points. Employers look at what you did at each job to understand the size and scope of your experience. When you list different things in each work history, the hiring manager is left confused and asking, “Which one is the truth?”  You see, employers have become very skeptical of job seekers. Studies show as much as 85 percent lie on their resumes. Which means your differing work histories are raising a a major red flag.

P.S. – Stick to the facts.

Besides keeping the work histories the same, you should also keep the information objective and quantifiable. Don’t look desperate by selling yourself with overly subjective self-promotional text that makes the hiring manager feel like you are trying too hard.

Your resume and LinkedIn profile are critical job search tools that must send the right message. Making the right first impression includes looking honest. Keeping your work histories identical will help make sure employers don’t question your accomplishments

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