25+ Common SEO Mistakes That Are Killing Your Website[Infographic]

25+ Common SEO Mistakes - Infographic

The power that SEO wields when it comes to boosting your site’s ranking and traffic is immense. For this reason, it is important to always be up-to-date with the latest SEO trends in order to stay ahead in the online race. SEO can be tough, even for seasoned professionals and for beginners, the wide range of SEO techniques that are available can be overwhelming leading to silly SEO mistakes. Thus, here are a few SEO mistakes that can hurt your online business, which is why it is imperative that you find and fix them immediately.

1. Keyword Stuffing

Keyword research plays a vital role in SEO. Ensuring that your site’ s pages and blog posts have the required keywords in them is important as this will help you better rank your pages/posts in the search result garnering you the targeted traffic. However, here, most business owners make the mistake of going overboard, leading to what’s called as ‘Keyword Stuffing’ and this can have an adverse effect on your SEO campaign.

Thus, one of the first SEO mistakes you need to avoid is over-optimization of keywords a.k.a. Keyword stuffing. One of the simple ways to avoid this is to make use of LSI keywords, which will ensure that your blog posts and pages have the required number of relevant search terms incorporated into them without looking spammy.

2. Lack of Local SEO

If you are a local business then you need to optimize your website with Local SEO techniques. This includes submission of your website on Google My Business, optimizing your meta title and description with local keywords, managing online reviews of your customers etc. This will help your website to rank for local search terms, thus improving your organic traffic and in turn, helping you boosts your site’s conversion rate.

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3. Poor Website’s Page Speed

One of the reasons for a higher bounce rate on a website is slow website page speed and download time. If your website takes ages to load then you are bound to lose customers. Plus, it makes your site look unprofessional as a sluggish website speed is an indication of an unkempt and unmaintained website. Thus, this is another SEO mistake that you need to fix right away, starting with checking your site on PageSpeed Insights or Pingdom and rectifying bottlenecks.

4. Not Optimized For Mobile and Browsers

Not making your website mobile-friendly is one of the biggest SEO mistakes that can immensely hurt your website’s ROI. With more and more users moving onto mobile search and with Google’s mobile-first indexing, an unresponsive website could not only get your site penalized but it can also affect your site’s traffic. Thus, ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly is important. Likewise, it is essential that you check your site’s compatibility with various browsing platforms.

5. Lack of Content Strategy

Content and SEO go hand-in-hand. Without a robust Content strategy, all your campaigns – be it SEO, Social Media or PPC would not yield much results. As such, ensure that you have an actionable content strategy in order to generate more leads and boost your site’s sales and conversion.

These are some of the important SEO mistakes that you need to fix ASAP. Similarly, there are other mistakes that you also need to find and fix. As such, here is an infographic that highlights the 25+ SEO mistakes that you need to avoid along with tips on how to fix them effectively.

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So take a look at this list of SEO mistakes and get started on optimizing your website right now!

25+ Common SEO Mistakes That Are Killing Your Website[Infographic] by the team at Hosting CluesCommon SEO Mistakes Infogrpahic

Sudhir Bhushan is a Tech & Social enthusiast. He is also a Web Entrepreneur by Profession and loves to write about latest trends on Social Media & SEO. You may also follow him on Twitter | Facebook  

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