5 Social Media Hacks For Plumbers

5 Social Media Hacks For Plumbers

5 Social Media Hacks For Plumbers

In years gone by, people who needed a plumber would have picked up the phone book and made a call. Today, with advances in technology and the ever-increasing popularity of the Internet, more and more customers rely on the web to locate local plumbing services. As a plumber looking to attract clients and generate leads, it’s crucial to be able to capitalize on the growth of the net. One way of creating leads and making your company more visible online is using social media marketing. If you’re new to social media, or previous campaigns haven’t achieved the results you were hoping for, here are 5 hacks to help you make a splash on social networks.

Social media for plumbers: 5 hacks to try today

If you have expertise in plumbing, you may not necessarily be familiar with the latest, cutting-edge marketing techniques. While traditional methods like flyering and word of mouth can still be hugely beneficial, social media is an increasingly potent weapon for plumbers. If you’re keen to build your client base and enhance your online profile, here are 5 hacks to try today:

  • Targeting the right audience with paid ads

When you implement any marketing strategy for plumbers, you need to have a target customer in mind. Who are you looking to attract? The type of content you produce and share will rely heavily on your target market, but you can also use social media tools to reach the right audience. Facebook’s audience tool is an excellent example. Using this feature, you can choose specific demographics and groups of people you wish to target with paid adverts. This enables you to improve the quality of your leads, and subsequently, increase your conversion rate. By employing filters, you can also remove people who aren’t likely to have an interest in the services you offer, which should save you money. For plumbing services, it’s a good idea to try and attract homeowners or landlords aged over 18, for example. 

  • Choosing the right platforms
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There is an ever-growing range of social networks and platforms available, but not all of them will serve a purpose for you. Using social media for business is very different to making friends. Choose platforms that are used by your ideal customer, and focus on networks that enable you to engage with people who are likely to look for the services or products you sell. For plumbers, sites like Facebook and LinkedIn are likely to be much more effective than Snapchat. 

  • Getting your content right

Every business should tailor the content they produce and share to ensure that it is relevant to both the services they offer and the target market. Web users want to have access to content that serves a purpose. In the case of promoting plumbing services, some types of content are much more effective than others. It’s a great idea to share informative, useful content, for example, how-to guides and DIY video clips. You can also feature photographs of jobs you have completed and infographics that tell people about common plumbing issues, for example. Every post you share should encourage the reader or viewer to trust you, and to consider giving you a call if they need a plumber. The call to action should be clear, but subtle. You don’t want people to feel like they’re on the end of aggressive sales tactics. Visual media often has a much more powerful impact than text, so vary your posts and add plenty of images and videos. 

  • Showcasing reviews and testimonials

Did you know that around 90% of web users now consult reviews before buying products? With ratings and testimonials playing a more integral role in the decision-making process than ever before, it’s hugely beneficial for plumbers to share rave reviews and client comments. If you’ve got an emergency at home, and you need a plumber urgently, you want to make sure that the person or company you call can be trusted to do a great job. Excellent reviews and 5-star ratings help to create the right impression and persuade customers to contact you over competitors. Encourage clients to leave feedback and publish the comments on your social accounts and your website. 

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Social media platforms, as the name suggests, offer an opportunity to be sociable and to interact with others. If you’re new to a network, start drumming up an interest in your profile, invite people to like and follow your page, and get people talking. Offer incentives to share posts, run a competition or offer exclusive deals or discounts for those who follow you or share your content. If you have people who like a specific post that don’t follow your page, you can use tools to follow-up an expression of interest and ask users to like your page. This means that they will have access to all your posts, rather than those that are shared only by people in their contacts list.  

Social media can be a hugely beneficial marketing technique for forward-thinking companies. If you’re looking to put your plumbing business on the virtual map, hopefully, these hacks will make the difference. 

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