Park Seo Joon goes from ‘Youn’s Kitchen’ part-timer to head pasta & steak chef on ‘Three Meals A Day’

On the October 11 broadcast of tvN‘s ‘Three Meals A Day in the Mountain Village‘, actor Park Seo Joon ranked up from former ‘Youn’s Kitchen‘ part-timer to the head dinner chef, specializing(?) in Western cuisine!

The dinner menu Park Seo Joon prepared for this episode consisted of steak, marinated in olive oil, salt, and pepper, and grilled over ‘Three Meals A Day’s signature iron lid. Accompanying the steak as sides were grilled bell peppers and tomatoes, mashed potatoes, plus another mouthwatering main dish – pollock roe pasta with fresh herbs from the garden. 

While each of the ingredients were top notch, Park Seo Joon caused laughter once he started plating his pasta, as he ended up constructing a pasta mountain. The other cast members including Yeom Jung Ah, Yoon Se Ah, and Park So Dam aided in plating the cooked steaks, mashed potatoes, and more, and everyone sat down for a unique Western meal on ‘Three Meals A Day’, where the cast cooks mostly Korean cuisine! All of the cast members complimented Park Seo Joon’s pasta, commenting that it was perfectly cooked without the ingredients becoming “greasy”. 

Later in the evening, the cast members and Park Seo Joon sat down for some games and gossip. As the crew decided to head outside, Park Seo Joon whipped out his head chef skills once again by cooking gambas al ajillo (from ‘Youn’s Kitchen’)! Check out some clips from this week’s ‘Three Meals A Day’ above and below!

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