Confirmit for Market Research | Confirmit

Confirmit for Market Research | Confirmit

Confirmit provides award-winning solutions and technologies for Market Research agencies who provide research and feedback services to their customers. Confirm supports Market Researchers who are increasingly challenged to mine the wealth of information from multiple feedback channels – including social media, CRM systems and unstructured data sources. Our innovative solutions are designed to enable you to leverage new technologies to work faster, provide more accurate data, and produce strategic insights.

Leading MR agencies use the Confirmit Horizons platform as the engine of their business. The platform supports the research project lifecycle from survey creation to results delivery, enabling you to take advantage of the most complete, feature-rich, and robust MR software available today. Regardless of the size of your MR business or the scale of your activities, Confirmit Horizons is truly the end-to-end platform for every stage of the MR process. Confirmit’s text and social analytics software helps scale the cumbersome process of sifting through vast quantities of free-form content, by providing a platform that delivers categorization and sentiment analysis to uncover nuggets of gold.


Learn how confirmit can help your Market Research agency to drive the business results your business needs.

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