Market Research Tasks Likely to Be Taken Over by Artificial Intelligence

Chart of the Day: Task that are likely to be taken by AI

Artificial Intelligence is quickly becoming something set to take jobs in many industries such as finance, automotive, engineering and even medicine. Only recently has it started to worry marketers from around the globe.

There are many subsectors in which it has turned heads with data and market research certainly leading the field. When your job is looking for trends in computer data of any type then AI is most likely going to be putting your role at risk. This chart shows us what areas market researchers feel are threatened the most.


250 market research decision-makers asked whether several sectors would be taken over in 5 or 10 years. 9/10 decision-makers believe that artificial intelligence will have a significant impact within 5 years. Although, they are not agreed on which way that this impact will manifest.

95% believe that data analysis will be the most affected with the introduction of AI. This is clearly because AI will be able to analyze vast amounts of data in an instant. The same job may take a human being weeks to analyze.

When it comes to a more creative aspect of market research, example being writing survey questions, then even within 10 years it is seen as less likely to have an impact. Only 32% believe that something of this nature could occur in that time.

Overall, a future involving AI is seen as a good thing with 93% believing that AI is an opportunity for the market-research industry as opposed to a threat (7%). It is something that the industry doesn’t need to fear but more so adapt to. 8 out of 10 of decision-makers believe that AI will have a positive impact on the future of market research.

READ ALSO  How to use Facebook Messenger for research

> SourceMarketing Charts

> Sample size – 250 Market research decision-makers

> Recommended resource – Free Managing Digital Marketing Research Report



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