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Average Salary of Inbound & Content Marketing and SEO Jobs

What are the average salaries of common inbound marketing, content marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO) jobs?

Conductor examined publicly available salary data available on Indeed, Glassdoor, and Payscale for nine marketing job titles in the United States: director of marketing, marketing manager, account manager, SEO specialist, content marketing specialist, social media manager, SEO manager, content manager, and content director.

Directors of marketing have the highest average annual salary ($105,038) among the positions examined.

Social media managers have the lowest average salary ($55,793) among the positions examined.

Average annual salary ranges vary significantly by location, the analysis found.

For example, director of marketing jobs in the San Jose area have an average salary range of $97,000 to $204,000, whereas director of marketing jobs in the Cleveland area have an average range of $59,000 to $147,000.

New York and San Francisco are the US cities that are best for finding content marketing jobs as well as SEO jobs.

About the research: The report was based on public salary data available on Indeed, Glassdoor, and Payscale for nine marketing job titles in the United States: Director of Marketing, Marketing Manager, Account Manager, SEO Specialist, Content Marketing Specialist, Social Media Manager, SEO Manager, Content Manager, and Content Director.

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