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Blogging Tips From A Real-Life Successful Blogger: An Interview With Anne Campbell @

Thank you so much to Anne of Learning Table for taking the time to share her blogging tips with us.  I’m so excited to be featuring several bloggers over the next few weeks – real-life successful bloggers – and hearing their thoughts and tips about blogging!  So, pour yourself a cup of coffee, sit back, and be inspired!

Blogging Tips From A Successful Blogger - An Interview With Anne

Tell us a bit about yourself and your blog:

Learning Table is a place for homeschool moms to find encouragement, advice, and resources to help them on their journey. I love to share ideas, resources, and support for parents in all stages of homeschooling and to show them that it is possible to go all the way through the high school years.

Anne’s most popular post discusses balancing the roles of being the teacher and the mom.

Blogging Tips From A Successful Blogger - An Interview With AnneHow do you make money through your blog?

Though it is still a work in progress, I make money through my blog from affiliate sales with direct links in relevant posts. I’m careful to only link products I actually use and like so as to remain authentic with my audience.

What is ONE piece of advice you would give to a new blogger starting out in your niche?

One piece of advice I would give to new bloggers is to stay true to your voice. Although sponsored posts bring in good income, I have learned that it is important to choose carefully and not be afraid to turn down offers that would not resonate with my audience. In the beginning, it’s tempting to say yes to anything that comes along, but a loyal audience will be confused and will stop coming around if the content they expect from you changes too drastically.

How much time do you spend blogging each week?

As I mentioned earlier, I started blogging in my spare time, which often meant late-night writing sessions—sometimes too late. It’s easy to get overwhelmed or to spend too much time away from family and other responsibilities when you work at home. I now have set ‘office hours’ so I can close the computer and live my life! Being involved in blogger groups with like-minded entrepreneurs has been one of the most helpful things I’ve done along the way for support and advice. Blogging is a wonderful way to express yourself and share your little corner of the world with others.

Leave them in the comments below – then be sure to head over to Anne’s Blog!

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