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Blogging Tips From A Real-Life Successful Blogger: An Interview With Carisa @

Thank you so much to Carisa of 1+1+1=1 for taking the time to share her blogging tips with us.  I’m so excited to be featuring several bloggers over the next few weeks – real-life successful bloggers – and hearing their thoughts and tips about blogging!  So, pour yourself a cup of coffee, sit back, and be inspired!

Blogging Tips From A Successful Blogger - An Interview With Carisa

Tell us a bit about yourself and your blog:

I began blogging in 2008 simply as a way to connect with other homeschoolers. I never intended to make money from my blog and certainly never expected to be able to support my family while my husband went to grad school at age 40!  My blog focuses on homeschooling with an empahsis on the early childhood years.

Blogging Tips From A Successful Blogger - An Interview With CarisaHow do you make money through your blog? (affiliate programs, advertising, products, etc.)

 My income comes from many different places with the top being my own product sales. Affiliates, private blog sponsors and ad networks come right behind that.

How much time do you spend blogging each week?

Right now my blog is a full time job, but this is just for a season while my husband is in grad school. Normally my blog is a part time job with me spending as much or as little time as I desire. On average I would say I spend several hours per day blogging, but rarely full time hours.

What is one of your favorite blogging tools/resources and why?

I started blogging before blogging back when many didn’t know what a blog was. I fell in love with using Live Writer to write and edit posts and I still use it today. I strongly dislike writing in the WordPress dashboard so this is my most favorite tool. I personally love Tailwind for Pinterest scheduling, Photoshop for graphic design work, PicMonkey for quick graphic work, and PowerPoint for creating printables.

Leave them in the comments below – then be sure to head over to Carisa’s Blog!

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