How to Do a Content Audit: 4 Steps to Boost SEO Value

How to Do a Content Audit: 4 Steps to Boost SEO Value

More content on your website doesn’t necessarily equate to better rankings. Producing one piece of content after another in the hope that they will perform well in search engine results and get ranking is an approach that often turns out to be counterproductive.

About 6 million blog posts are published every day. Unless you take a strategic approach to content creation, you are only adding to the noise.

Accumulating content on your website without a content strategy to guide it only hampers SEO rather than giving it a boost. Increased numbers of webpages that provide no real business value only end up bloating up your website and bringing down its overall authority, thus negatively impacting SEO.

Defining What Value-Adding Content Really Means

If a piece of content has been on your website for more than six months and drives no meaningful traffic, if it has no internal or external backlinks, and if it doesn’t rank organically for any of the keywords it targets, then it doesn’t add any real value to your website. Such content ideally requires remedial action to ensure it doesn’t end up adding to your website’s bloat.

There are several options to choose from when deciding the corrective action for such pages: deleting them, non-indexing them, redirecting them, and updating them.

A content audit can help you identify the pages that require remedial action and also formulate a plan of action to deal with them. It can align your existing content with your long-term strategy, bringing you one step closer to the elusive hockey stick growth.

This article will help you conduct an effective audit of your content to help you derive the value from it.

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