How to Increase Blog Traffic: Paring Down

Trim the fat.

Boost your traffic.

As we continue with the how to increase blog traffic series I want to share a sometimes misunderstood but powerful secret for boosting your traffic.

As I release a blogging eBook designed to trim the blogging fat to boost your profits it’s time to dive into the concept of paring down.

Why Paring Down Increases Blog Traffic

When you let go anything that does not relate to your blogging niche, readers will expect you to cover 1 topic. Said readers will return to your blog when each post goes live, boosting your blog traffic. These readers will promote your posts to their friends who require your insight, products and services, further boosting your blog traffic.

If you and your blog are about doing 1 thing well, you will be seen as a niche authority. Niche authorities get mad blog traffic.

Simple concept to grasp but it is tough to put into practice. Most bloggers are terrified to let go. The old me included. So they cower to their fears versus taking a deep breath, addressing their fear of loss, dealing with their lack of clarity and trashing elements or paring down stuff that needs to go, for the traffic and profits boost.

Shining Example

If you want to see a super clear, lean and fabulously pared-down blog check out Ramsay’s blog at Blog Tyrant.

He includes plenty of white space, a few key, essential elements and none else on his blog. Which is why the guy has 20,000 email subscribers and runs a thriving full time blogging business.

I wanted to share an example to give you a dose of cyber courage. If Ramsay succeeds with a bare bones, white space heavy, pared down blog, you too can succeed by getting rid of cyber crap to create a similarly clear, pared down, lean and mean blog.

This Process Feels Unpleasant but Gives You Peace of Mind

When paring down my blog, I feel about as comfortable as when I was being chased by 2 Thai lady boy prostitutes in Bangkok.

Not a pleasant experience, because you likely hate to let go too. But letting go precedes growing and letting go also gives you clarity and immense peace of mind.

Let go the excess to see success.

Strip Your Sidebar of Blogging Bloat

You know what blogging bloat is: the IP locator that identifies where your readers hail from, or other silly widgets not related one bit to your blogging niche.

Pare down your sidebar of excessive ads, of too many images and of general bloat. By paring down you focus readers on joining your list, reading your content and buying your products or hiring you for your services.

Be brave. I know how scary it feels to let go the bloat. But just last week I deleted my pop up form – which I was unclear on recently – and noted a surge in the growth of my email list.

Clarity always wins.

But to get clear you need to let go the unclear. Trash those non-aligned elements to align your blog top-down.

Delete Non Aligned Posts and Pages

Delete all non aligned, unrelated, off the beaten niche path posts and pages on your blog.

I once deleted 3000 blog posts, a blog, cash flow streams and an entire brand about 3 years ago to make room for Blogging From Paradise.

Letting go the unclear made room for the clear. But again, this process is highly unpleasant. Imagine if you have 2000 blog posts and I tell you that they all need to go, for you to get clear and to build a successful blog? Most bloggers fight, kicking and screaming, which is why most bloggers struggle horribly.

Let go to grow.


I filmed a video from NYC explaining this concept in detail.

Give it a watch and if you enjoy my videos, subscribe to my channel since I do a live blogging tips themed broadcast daily:

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