How to create beautiful holiday email campaigns using templates

The end of the year is an exciting and stressful time of the year for us marketers. Exciting, because we all look forward to the holidays, giving and receiving presents, and embracing our creative side to try and come up with original campaigns.

But, at the same time, it’s crazy stressful. So many things to think about all at once: Halloween, Black Friday & Cyber Monday, Christmas, New Year… All this comes at the time of the year when you have assess how the year went, and plan ahead for the next year that’s just around the corner.



Okay, sorry we didn’t mean to stress you out even more… And to be fair, there’s no reason for you to be that stressed. Because Mailjet has a surprise for you, something that will be your secret weapon in the battle of the inbox this holiday season.

Our Gift To You: Responsive Email Templates

At Mailjet, we understand the struggles that marketers face during the Holiday period. And that’s why we always try and come up with new ideas to help make your life easier for all of us. This year, as part of our 2017 Holiday Toolkit, we have created three responsive email templates that allow you to create beautiful email campaigns in a matter of minutes.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, Mailjet’s easy-to-use email editor, Passport, helps you design your own emails without the hassle of coding. But for some of us who aren’t very creative, coming up with a concept or layout can be time-consuming and maybe even frustrating.

Señores y señoras, here’s where our Holiday Templates come into play. Coded using our own open-source markup language, MJML, these templates are ready for you to use and adapt to match your own brand.

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Black Friday

We’ve created an email template for your Black Friday and Cyber Monday campaigns. We all know that the main focus on these two occasions is on promoting special offers.

Our Black Friday and Cyber Monday template keeps it nice and simple. You don’t want to distract the customer with useless information, but you want to get straight to the point of what you are offering them. The offer and CTA should be what stand out overall in the image. Use a solid background and avoid multiple CTAs to ensure you don’t lose the reader’s attention.

Another important thing is to be consistent with your brand, so that when your subscribers open the email, they recognize you straightaway.


Although during Christmas the focus is still on buying, it is quite different from Black Friday and Cyber Monday. And our templates have been created to address these differences. While during Black Friday the key is the discount or promotion itself, your Christmas campaigns need to give your subscribers a flavour of what you offer. Include an overview of some of your products, something that will make the reader think: “Oh, that would be perfect for X”.

Use enticing titles that link back to the holiday season and give it a bit of Christmas touch, and take it a step further by using personalization and segmentation in your Christmas emails, to make your customers feel even more special.

Happy New Year

Okay, this one may come as a bit of a surprise. “Why do I need a Happy New Year template?”, you might wonder. Well, to send them your best wishes for the new year, of course. You want to build brand loyalty by letting your customers know that you think about them, you cherish them and you wish them all the best for the coming year. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that the only emails that bring value to your business are promotional ones.

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New Year Holiday Template 2017

And why not make them even more fun by including some animated content? Always remember that customers want to feel close to the brands.

Ease and speed of use

As we’ve already said, our aim is to make life easier for all of us marketers. And our templates are extremely handy. They have been coded with our responsive coding language MJML, they are easy to download and import into Passport, where they can be personalized and adapted to your brand’s needs. In case this sounds a bit ambiguous, here is a tutorial for you:

Uploading Templates Screencast

We hope that you love our templates as much as we do, and that they will help your email campaigns smash it in the holiday inbox. Just don’t forget the importance of the subject lines you use, cause they will make a huge impact on your open rates. If you need any more inspiration on building your Holiday campaigns, you can find everything you need in our Holiday Guide.


Holiday Emailing Guide


Have you created beautiful email campaigns with our Holiday Templates? Share your thoughts with us via Twitter.

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