1 fb ad

So, I spent $139,614.18 on one Facebook ad. Here’s why I did it…


I spent $139,614.18 on one Facebook ad.



Read this!

Let Me Break It Down For You…

Every single person who clicked on that ad was sent into what’s known as a “sales funnel.”

What’s a sales funnel?


Here’s a visual representation:

Or, in other words.

* People visit your website.

* They opt in to your email list.

* You send them valuable content.

* You then ask them to buy something.

And the entire system is 100% automated through your email autoresponder.

This is a sales funnel, and when you set one up right, it can be the difference between a business that generates sales regularly…

…and a business that experiences the dreaded “income rollercoaster” that so many other entrepreneurs have become accustomed to.

Let me show you a real life example…

Back when I launched my software product, I used a sales funnel to attract customers on demand.

Here’s how it worked:

Step #1: I created a Facebook ad.

Step #2: I sent people who clicked on that ad to a Landing Page.

Step #3: I then automatically sent them emails… once a day… with content… and then, after the content was “done,” I asked people to buy my software product.


It worked so well take a look at how much I spent on traffic for this one ad:


More than $100,000 promoting one ad… promoting one landing page… promoting one sales funnel…

Now, none of the actual sales numbers for my company are public primarily because I don’t want to invite unnecessary competition.

But I can tell you this:

I wouldn’t have spent this kind of money unless it was worth it ;-).

Now imagine how this might look in your business…

It doesn’t matter what you sell…

You could be selling a low-priced product…

…or a high-end service.

Imagine if you could generate more sales automatically just like this.

You could skip all the “back and forth” emails with prospects and focus on the work you genuinely like to do.

You could free up time to spend on something else… even if it isn’t business related.

It would be pretty cool, right?


The question is, how do you make a sales funnel just like this for your business?

And how can you ensure it can work no matter what you sell?


How to Create A Sales Funnel… The Right Way

I put together a course I call Yes Engines. It’s a silly name, I know. But in reality, what’s a sales funnel? It’s a simple sequence that’s designed to make people say YES to your product or service.

I go over the entire process of creating sales funnels and product launches inside this course…

…And long story short: I break down the entire process into 3 simple phases.

Phase #1: The Preview

Phase #2: The Offer

Phase #3: The WOW Experience

And when you know how to set these things up the right way, it can have a remarkably effect on your business.


Just knowing how to do this means you can also become an in-demand “funnel expert.”

Now let me go into more detail about each phase…

Phase 1: The Preview

If you want to attract high quality customers on demand, you must lead with something that grabs their attention.

In the case of a sales funnel, your “free content” is what grabs their attention, and it often consists of a handful of things, including:

* Your “Free Giveaway” (Or Optin Bribe)

* Your “Automated Content” (Or Email Series)

And then it also consists of everything you use to promote this free giveaway and automated content. Like Facebook ads. Twitter updates. Facebook group posts. Etc.

In the case of my specific sales funnel, it was a simple email series, and it consisted of a Facebook Ad, A Landing Page, and 3 content driven emails.

The question is, how do you create this content?


Not all “free content” is created equal when it comes to sales funnels. If you try and “Figure it out” on your own, you run a much higher risk of creating the wrong content… and discovering that your sales funnel just doesn’t generate sales.

So, you need to create what I call “Content That Precedes The Sale.” Or, in other words, a specific type of content that’s designed to make people want what you’re selling before they know you’re selling it.

There are different strategies behind how to create this content and I cover each of them inside my course Yes Engines…

…But here’s what you need to know:

If you’re selling something to someone who doesn’t know you, you need to spend more time building up the credibility of your business.

(Or, in other words, you need to share your story in detail).

If you’re selling something to someone who does know you, you should spend less time on building up credibility and more time on demonstrating that you can actually help.

(Or, in other words, you need to get to the details and prove that you can help!)

Want proven templates on how to create this type of content? Enrollment for Yes Engines is opened until Friday. See the details right here.

Moving on…

Phase 2: The Offer

Long story short, The Offer is when you ask people to buy what you’re selling. Maybe you send them to a sales page, or a services page, or hop on a phone call. It doesn’t matter. This is how you make money for your business.

Most people MESS THIS UP.

How do you know if you’re one of those people?

Here’s a litmus test: if you get a lot of people saying you’re too expensive, then you’re probably messing up The Offer.

When you ask people to buy, you must do this with confidence. You see, if you ask people to buy, and you’re weak, people will assume your product and service is weak. And they will say it’s too expensive.

Now, what makes an offer great?


Again, like The Preview, in the case of my specific sales funnel, the offer was a handful of emails that introduced the product, demonstrated the value of the product, and of course… asked people to buy the product.

All in all, pretty simple.

And yet…

While it looks deceptively easy, there’s a lot that can go wrong.

* If you promise too much, people will think you’re lying.

* If you promise too little, people will think you’re over priced.

* If you don’t communicate the value clearly, people will get confused and say they’re not interested.

* If you don’t eliminate “sales risk,” people will get scared and disappear.

And the list goes on.

Inside Yes Engines, I walk people through a specific “Offer Sequence,” that I believe can work for anyone who’s selling a digital product or service online. It includes the exact email templates you need to send and what to say in each of them.

But at the core, it’s all about Introducing the Product, Demonstrating The Value, And Asking People To Buy.

Want to learn the ins and outs of creating offers that convert? Yes Engines is now open for enrollment until Friday.

Moving on…

The final phase…

Phase #3: The WOW Experience

After you get people to buy, you need to keep them happy. And a WOW experience will help you do just that.

The sad truth is, when you look at other trainings that promise you tips and tricks for selling, they almost NEVER talk about what happens ‘after’ the sale. They focus on getting people to buy and that’s it. They never talk about keeping that customer happy.

And that’s silly.

And dumb.

According to a Harvard Business School study, increasing customer retention rates by 5% increases profits by 25% to 95%.

Plus, as you’ll soon find, people who buy from you once are more likely to buy from you again. So if you keep them as customers, you’re keeping the sale, and increasing the chance of selling additional products and services in the future.

How do you do it?

It all centers around a simple idea…

You must anticipate what your customers think and feel after they acquire your product.

* You must know when they’re about to feel buyers remorse. And trust me. They almost always do.

* You must anticipate the problems they will encounter so you can solve it for them… before they feel overwhelmed.

* You must ensure they fall in love with your product (and company).

How do you do all this?


You can do it with automated emails just like the rest of the sales funnel. And it can be configured in any autoresponder that offers the ability to send automatic emails.

You can also do it by simply reaching out to people at the right time either via a personal email or a phone call.

But the point is, you must know that this is coming and solve it before it’s a real problem.

As an example…

In the case of my software product, I knew one of the “overwhelmed” feelings often comes right when people realize they need to set everything up. And that’s why we followed up immediately after purchase with information on how to set things up… or an opportunity to reach out to someone on the team and get personalized help.

Now, the type of issues your customers could experience could be vastly different. And that’s why in Yes Engines I show you how to map out the entire thing.

To Wrap Things Up…

When you know how to create a sales funnel, you can generate customers on demand. It allows you to focus on doing the work you love doing vs wasting all your time “selling.”

And it’s broken down into 3 simple steps:

Phase 1: The Preview
Phase 2: The Offer
Phase 3: The WOW Experience

Now you can go ahead and use the advice I shared in this blog post and figure it out on your own…

…or you can join Yes Engines today and see exactly how I build my sales funnels.

Learn More About Yes Engines Right Here.


If you want more information first, take a look at these remarkable case studies.

Case Study #1: They Moved 1500 Miles from Home, Lost Multiple Revenue Streams, and Still Grew Their Business by 32% – Here’s How.

Case Study #2: Meet Felicia, the Spiritual Teacher Who Made $11,000 in 5 Days

Case Study #3: Meet Matthias, the Concert Photographer Who Re-Launched His Online Course and – for the First Time – Felt Financially Secure

I know.

It’s a lot.

But if you’re reading this right now you know you need a sales funnel. And I wanted to show you that I can help you make one.

See How Yes Engines Can Help…

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