
3 situations when blocking a visitor from live chat is necessary

Blocking a visitor from Live Chat should be your last option, but sometimes it is necessary. Usually, you can find lots of information online on how to improve customer service by using live chat software. But when is it necessary to block visitors that are abusive? Learn to tell apart a challenging customer and an

3 situations when blocking a visitor from live chat is necessary Read More »

Built In Monitoring Fails Small

3 Situations When Built-In Social Listening Tools Won’t Work

Sometimes, having everything built-in is awesome. Like a recliner…it’s a chair with an ottoman built-in – how convenient! I can fully relax. And if there was a mini-fridge too? Oh, man… Or those DVD players built-in to family cars. They keep kids (or adults) quiet and occupied on a long car rides. A necessity! But

3 Situations When Built-In Social Listening Tools Won’t Work Read More »

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