Bridging the Gap Between Awareness & Action

Customer Journey and Experience. Hand Raise Up a Paper Plane

AIDA (Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action) is critically important when companies look to build brand awareness, generate interest, build desire, and inspire action and retention. The first element of effective AIDA strategies is building brand awareness. As the prospect enters the marketing/sales pipeline, there are methods to help move the prospect through an effective process that enables them to take action.

In many instances, companies fail to create a fluid process. This is the gap! It is closing this gap between awareness and action that can lead companies down the pathway to success. The purpose of AIDA is to enable site owners and markers to target a niche with focus so as to create a sales funnel that delivers expected results. Each element of AIDA can serve as an effective tool to enhance Internet marketing and SEO campaigns.

At the top of your funnel is where you start. This is especially so if you are creating a funnel from scratch. The top of your funnel will be about getting as much traffic as possible. The key to turning that traffic into something valuable down the line is building landing pages that generate leads.

Building Brand Awareness

Building brand awareness is typically the result of effective research. SEO is still a powerful consideration for companies with an online presence. Statistics indicate that a majority of consumers never make it past the first page. Everything users discover about your brand should be useful, usable, desirable, findable, accessible, and credible. Nail these factors down and the prospect can transition smoothly into the next step: interest. Your prospects made if over the first hurdle.

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Building Brand Interest

You have to know your audience to build brand interest. This means knowing what they want, who they are, and where you can find them on the Internet. This is also a result of creating the website content your prospects will respond to. At this stage, it is all about providing the answers, products, and services customers search for. Get visual and showcase your product in unexpected ways. Treat all of your customers like insiders. Inform instead of selling. This can help you create branding buzz.

Creating Product Desire

Markets and business owners can enhance a prospect’s desire. It happens when a prospect is able to experience a product or information in a specific way. This involves building some type of interactivity. It also means showing the prospect that something about their life warrants a need or strong desire for your product offering. If you can show that your product will change their life, you have gained entry.

Inspiring Action

Action is one of the easiest parts of the entire AIDA process. There are certain website elements that can help facilitate action. These include an enticing call to action, navigation that is friendly and helpful, links, and shopping carts to name several.

This is also where A/B testing can play an important role, and you can determine which type of method generates the best results. The number of actions you want your prospect to take can start adding up. The action can be subscribing to a newsletter, receiving a free demo, recommending someone else to try the product or service, or completing a purchase.

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The big takeaway here for AIDA strategies is that you must request that they take action. If it is a click, convey the message clearly. If you want them to make a purchase, then ask for the sale. “Buy now.” You might be surprised how often businesses loses sales at this sage, simply because no one asked the prospect to make a purchase.

There’s a reason why the AIDA marketing strategies have stuck around in an industry where strategies and lingo can change overnight. It works. The AIDA strategy helps you, so that you have an outline to follow that will help you connect the dots. -But it also helps the consumer, in that you give them a clear path the follow.


Need help from someone who understands the funneling process and how to create effective AIDA strategies? We do that. Contact us today, and get your marketing efforts on the right track. We’ll help you through the process from beginning to end, to get more UMPH out of your WOW campaign. 

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