Ford Proves the Power of All-Electric F-150 Truck By Pulling Train!

Ford Motor Company released a video of its F-150 All-Electric Truck prototype to allay any fears from truck owners that the electric version would be the weak sister in the F-150 family. The company gathered a few F-150 owners to show off how powerful the electric version will be. They attached 1,000-foot freight train to the back of the electric pickup, weighing over 1 million pounds, and easily towed it 1,000 feet down the track.

Then to illustrate their point even further, Ford loaded 42 gas-powered F-150’s on the train, making the weight 1.25 million pounds and towed that. It was a great demonstration of all-electric power. Definitely, this All-Electric Ford F-150 is Ford Tough!

“We’ve confirmed we are bringing an all-electric F-150 to market,” says Ford in their video announcement. “Now, we’re showing you the capability you asked for by having it tow more than 1 million pounds.* This is Built Ford Tough.”

“As America’s truck leader, we prefer to let our actions speak louder than words,” says Ford. “Watch as Linda Zhang, chief engineer of the Ford F-150, shows the capability of a prototype all-electric F-150 by towing 10 double-decker rail cars and 42 2019-model year F-150s, weighing more than 1 million pounds.1

Ford has confirmed it will bring an all-electric F-150 to market. This will be in addition to the all-new F-150 Hybrid that goes on sale next year. Ford says that both electrified models will have the toughness, capability and innovation that F-150 customers have come to expect.

Ford Proves the Power of Its F-150 All-Electric Truck By Pulling Train!
10 Double Decker Freight Cars to be pulled by Ford’s All-Electric F-15 Prototype.
Ford proves the point that it’s coming All-Electric F-15 pickup truck is even more powerful than it’s gas version!
Ford reveals it’s All-Electric Prototype to a group of current F-150 owners.
Ford’s All-Electric F-150 Prototype connected to a 1 million pound freight train.
Ford tows a train with their All-Electric F-15 prototype weighing over 1 million pounds.
Ford loaded 42 F-15 gasoline-powered trucks making the total load more than 1.25 million pounds to be towed.

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