
RLC Writing Colour Main

Four Killer Reasons Every Creative Person Must Write

Ray Bradbury once said that “you must stay drunk on writing so that reality cannot destroy you.” Some of you may have perked up at the idea that a famous writer has endorsed writing blog posts while smashed on gin and tonics. What this really reveals is something important about how useful writing is in […]

Four Killer Reasons Every Creative Person Must Write Read More »

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Do Small Business Owners Need to Be Thought Leaders?

Learn about what a thought leader is and what it means for small business owners. If you’re a small business owner, you know all too well that time is a limited (and expensive) resource. It’s so expensive, 30 percent of small business owners say even one extra-productive hour in a day is worth $100 to

Do Small Business Owners Need to Be Thought Leaders? Read More »

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