Kit Colbert

Project Pacific mashes vSphere and Kubernbetes for happier DevOps

What is the fate of VMware Inc. virtual machines? Some tout containers (a virtualized method for running distributed applications) as their obvious successor — at least in modern cloud environments. But in real companies with a variety of applications, and Developer Operations (DevOps) teams, there may still be a place for both. “This whole VM-versus-container […]

Project Pacific mashes vSphere and Kubernbetes for happier DevOps Read More »

At VMworld, VMware announces a hybrid cloud product blitz for partners

VMware Inc. will kick off its annual VMworld conference in San Francisco today with a slew of announcements aimed at positioning itself as the company everyone wants to partner with for hybrid cloud management. In addition to new versions of its operations and automation suites for hybrid cloud, the company will deepen its integration with server

At VMworld, VMware announces a hybrid cloud product blitz for partners Read More »

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