GoingGlobal EmailMarketingLocalization

Getting Started With Email Marketing Localization

There is a common belief that the Internet’s language is English by default. The truth is that 70% of Internet users, even if they do understand English, are in fact non-native English speakers.

In the Can’t Read, Won’t Buy report, Common Sense Advisory found that 75% of customers prefer to purchase products when targeted in their own language.

This means that if your competitors have already translated their communications and you haven’t, they already have a higher chance than you do to reach your shared audiences.

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Your Spanish-speaking subscribers,
opening up your English email campaigns.

Sounds like a missed opportunity, doesn’t it?

What can I do about it?

If you’re looking to expand your international reach, you might want to think about localizing your email campaigns.

We’ve partnered with Translation Exchange, a cloud-based localization platform that lets you translate your Mailjet email templates into other languages.

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Translation Exchange offers both machine and human translation.
Automated machine translation is helpful and time-saving, but sometimes, a machine translation is just not enough. Professional translation agencies are directly integrated in the platform to provide you with that unique local flair that only human translators can add.

For hassle-free localization projects, the platform also offers a direct messaging feature for developers, translators and project managers to collaborate.

Love it already? Wait til you hear this.

Translation Exchange not only integrates with Mailjet, but also with your favorite CMS and marketing automation platforms.

Why is this cool? Translation Exchange’s technology allows shared translation memory. This means that you never have to translate the same content twice, and, most importantly, that your brand voice is consistent across all the communication channels you use.

Your Translated Email Templates, Just 5 Clicks Away

  1. Create your Translation Exchange account.
  2. Connect your Mailjet account with Translation Exchange.
  3. Import your Mailjet templates on Translation Exchange.
  4. Order professional translations in 100+ languages directly from your dashboard.
  5. Click ‘Publish’ on Translation Exchange to receive your translated templates in Mailjet.


Si señor, but… localization doesn’t stop with just language. Here are a few tips to get you all set before you start:

Show Cultural Sensitivity

Every country has a culture of its own, and translating your original message to another language is just the first step of localization.

For example, if you’re in the US and thinking of sending a Fourth of July Special Sale Email Campaign, you might want to go with a different messaging to target subscribers that are based in other countries.
Take a closer look at your subscribers’ local cultures to make sure that your message fits in with their references. Words and phrases can vary from one language to another too: for example, you’d need to use a familiar form to promote your product in Italian, whereas you’d have to use a formal form in French. This is also valid for colors, design… even emoji preferences in email subject lines aren’t the same across all countries !


Sephora’s automated newsletter subscription welcome emails for
the US (left) and Italy (right) : same message, different messaging.

Hit The Inbox At The Right Time

And by time, we don’t just mean time zones. Of course, you need to be aware of the time zone your target subscribers live in. But what you also need to keep in mind is that the typical workday is not the same in every country: as much as we wish we did, we don’t all get the Spanish siesta. Do your research on what the common habits are in your target markets to ensure you land in the inbox at the right time.

Respect Local Anti-Spam Regulations

Last, but definitively not least, be aware of the anti-spam laws that are applicable in your target countries. Just like cultural references and habits, email regulations are not the same everywhere.
The easiest way to ensure that you’re in a good place legally to target the country you want to is to check for your ESP’s Terms of Service – if you use Mailjet, you should have no problem: since our servers are based in Europe, our service guarantees full EU-Data compliance, which is among the strictest level of email data security.

Questions? Suggestions? International love? Ping us @ [email protected]

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