
21 Digital Marketing Trends Your Business Must Embrace in 2018 [Infographic]

Do you need help planning your marketing strategy for the year ahead? Want to know the trends your business should embrace for a successful 2018? Liana Technologies share their trends to watch out for in this infographic. Among their key trends to watch are the rise of personalization, increased use of video content, artificial intelligence, 5G […]

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How Your Business Can Embrace a Real-Time Social Media Marketing Approach (and Why it Should)

It was the tweet heard ‘round the world. In 2013, when the lights went out during Super Bowl XLVII, Oreo sent out this perfectly timed message. The poster example for real-time marketing, Oreo (and the team at 360i responsible for the tweet) was able to interact on a level that brands had not done before.

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Social Networks that Embrace Creators Are Winning, and Why Blogs Aren’t Going Anywhere

Over a year ago, TapInfluence partnered with Altimeter group to publish the results of an industry-leading influencer survey. In that time, influencer marketing has grown rapidly to become a multi-billion dollar digital channel. It’s important for marketing agencies, influencer networks and platforms like TapInfluence to keep a pulse on the ever-changing needs of influencers to

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Why Search Agencies Should Embrace the Adjacency of Email Marketing

Posted by davidmihm As someone who’s spent virtually his entire career in local search, I’m by no means an early proponent of email. But in my interactions at marketing conferences, studies of industry research, and social media conversations, I get the feeling that many of my peers are even further down the adoption curve than

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Embrace a product manager mindset to improve 2018 SEO KPIs

For the first half of my 20-year career, I focused primarily on technical, enterprise SEO for brands with dozens of domains and millions of pages. For the second half, I’ve been on the product side of a software-as-a-service platform designed to help large multilocation brands achieve digital success. Living and breathing product development has been

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It’s Time to Embrace Performance Marketing, Not Programmatic

November 27th, 2017 When digital marketers fall in love with a specific tactic, especially a new one, they begin overlooking traditional metrics. They get caught up in the latest and greatest thing. As fault lines appear in programmatic marketing, for example, people suddenly shy away from the term “programmatic.” They begin to favor other buzzwords

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4 Reasons Marketers Should Embrace Instagram Over Snapchat

November 13th, 2017 The race between Snapchat and Instagram might finally have a clear winner. Adweek recently announced that Instagram Stories, an Instagram feature considered to be in direct competition with Snapchat, now has 250 million daily active users—more than Snapchat’s entire user base. But even more impressive than Instagram’s number of daily users is

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3 Uncomfortable to Embrace Qualities of Successful Bloggers

Successful bloggers master the concept of being comfortable with being uncomfortable. If you are struggling to boost your blog traffic or profits you likely shy away from uncomfortable activities. I get it. I have been there. I finally accepted the fact that becoming a successful blogger hinged on me making fun, freeing and sometimes highly

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