AI Trends in Marketing for 2019 [Infographic]

It took a while, but the future is here. Until very recently, machines, robots and other non-human entities capable of thinking and acting on their own have been relegated to science fiction for more than a century. 

The field of Artificial Intelligence research came to fruition at Dartmouth College in 1956. From then until 1974, AI flourished: computers became faster, more powerful and cheaper, and machine learning algorithms improved. The government agency Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) got interested and funded AI research. 

In a 1970 Life Magazine interview, Marvin Minsky predicted that “from three to eight years we will have a machine with the general intelligence of an average human being.” Clearly, that didn’t happen, and the biggest reason was a lack of computational power to enable AI to do anything significant. 

But in the second decade of the 21st century, our technological advances have grown in leaps and bounds, becoming faster and smarter. Now that “big data” has allowed us to collect large amounts of information, artificial intelligence has seen a major “comeback”, particularly in industries like technology, banking, marketing and entertainment. 

Now that we’ve got you up to speed, here are the AI trends we can expect to see in marketing in 2019 and beyond.

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