B2B sales and marketing

The 3 Stages of Digital Transformation

Today, digital transformation continues to accumulate a lot of attention. As digital sales transformation has moved from a nice-to-have to a need-to-have, more deals than ever are being lost to a commitment to the status quo than to competitors. Digital transformation is more than just a fancy way to describe moving digital assets to the […]

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Why Successful Value Propositions Require a Team Effort

Think about this. In your organization, whose job is it to come up with your company’s value proposition? As a lifelong marketer, I’m aware that value proposition development is widely seen as a marketer’s “thing”. But what really gets to me is that this narrow view forms the crux of the alignment problem that most

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B2B Marketing and Sales Outreach Efforts That Get Noticed

jarmoluk / Pixabay It’s no secret that Information Technology Decision Makers (ITDMs) are key to technology purchases. This is because they either lead or sign off on most enterprise technology decisions – and certainly those in the six digits or more or that impact the IT infrastructure. As a result, B2B sales and marketers spend

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