Humanize Your Company With the Power of Storytelling

What Is Your Story speech bubble

I hate how grown-up we’ve all gotten in the world of business. We put on these professional personas and end up taking the human factor out of doing business. And yet, we understand we have to make human connections to sell.

It’s a conundrum.

Recently, I was visiting the Team page of a company called Nav. Rather than having the typical stiff suit-and-tie employee headshots, each staffer is superimposed into a funny photo, often as a character from a popular movie. So it appears like Inigo Montoya, Speed Racer, Frodo, and even Buffy the Vampire Slayer work at the company. Fun!

I love this example of how brands are humanizing themselves rather than hiding behind a wall of corporate stuffiness.

Let’s get back to being humans who work for companies, shall we?

Where the power of storytelling comes into play

Stories. From childhood on, we’ve been drawn to them. They’re how we relate to the world. Fables teach us lessons about life usually under the filter of cute animals. Myths provide allegories using powerful gods and goddesses. Even video games have story lines to keep us engaged and playing.

So how can brands use storytelling to sell?

Telling the story of your brand makes your company stand out. You likely have dozens—if not hundreds—of competitors selling similar products or services at similar price points. So how do you convince even just one customer to choose you above everyone else?

You could have a superior product . . . but that may not be apparent until after the purchase. Instead, you can tell your story. Hook that customer with a tale that resonates with them.

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The story doesn’t even have to be about your product or service. Or why you started your company. For me, the story I tell most often is behind the name of my content marketing agency, Egg Marketing. It’s a curious name, and there’s a story behind it.

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When I launched my marketing firm in 2006, I wanted a unique name but was stumped. Watching the film Funny Face, I noted the name of the bookstore that Audrey Hepburn’s character worked in: Embryo Concepts. I liked the idea of an embryo giving life to something, but thought Embryo Marketing was too grotesque a name! With a few iterations, I landed on Egg Marketing and have been hatching good ideas ever since!

When people ask me the story behind my brand’s name, it allows us to put business aside for a minute and just have a conversation. Usually, they chuckle at the story, and that paves the way to a more personal interaction after that.

Finding your brand’s story

Maybe you don’t feel like your brand has a story; in fact, it has many. The key is uncovering them. Consider the stories about:

  • How you started your business
  • Why you sell what you do
  • The difference you’re trying to make
  • How you have helped a customer
  • What makes your employees unique
  • What you have learned along the way

If this is the first time you’re delving into your stories, it may help you to write them out. Keep them relatively short; aim for high-level details rather than the minutiae.

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