One Year On Webinar – Econsultancy

June 12th 2019, 3pm BST, 4pm CEST, 10am EST

It’s now been one year since GDPR came into effect. Pushed by the threat of large fines, many companies reluctantly changed their marketing practices in an effort to stay compliant. But has GDPR and other privacy regulation been a blessing in disguise?

At a time when most inboxes are deluged by spam, marketers that operate with consent in mind will not only improve their compliance – they will also have better marketing.

Join this ON24 webinar to explore how marketing has changed in the past year and why privacy regulation has created the opportunity for more effective campaigns.

In this session you’ll learn:

  • Why bad data practices led to privacy regulation.
  • Why marketing with GDPR in mind leads to more engaged prospects.
  • Top tips to gain consent and drive engagement in your marketing activity.
  • How to use engagement data to generate more opportunities for sales.


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