
What your website design shapes can tell your customers

Think about your website design. Do your customers like it? Why do they use it? What emotions does your website logo evoke? Perceptions are unique and critical. They are virtually snap judgements. It takes only 50 microseconds for us to get an impression about a web page and sometimes only 17 ms according to Google’s

What your website design shapes can tell your customers Read More »

Brand over-reach: Dove’s ‘Real Beauty’ bottle shapes

A lot of big brands are getting absolutely slammed on the Internet lately. Sometimes it’s for something one of their employees got caught doing. Like United dragging that guy off the plane because he… bought a ticket. Or banning two kids for wearing… kid’s clothes. Sometimes it’s because of what management got caught doing. Like

Brand over-reach: Dove’s ‘Real Beauty’ bottle shapes Read More »

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