Information Technology

IT spending stays flat but cloud sees more acceleration

Enterprises are tightening the purse strings in the fourth quarter of 2019, with spending on information technology infrastructure set to remain flat from a year ago. That’s according to the latest forecast from Enterprise Technology Research. Dave Vellante, chief analyst at SiliconANGLE sister market research firm Wikibon and co-host of theCUBE, ran down the details […]

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Are C-Level Leaders Taking The Right Approach To IT Transformation?

jeferrb / Pixabay As technology increases in pervasiveness, many in business are looking to transform their information technology (IT) departments for competitiveness. The availability benefits of cloud have made it possible for organizations to keep their virtual doors open for business at all times, but this has also shifted expectations. Now, customers demand constant access

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Big Tech’s Earnings Exceed Expectations on ‘Super Thursday’

The country’s biggest tech companies might be battling criticism in Washington, but Super Thursday’s results clearly show that the public still loves them. Amazon, Alphabet and Microsoft’s earnings went beyond what investors expected, as shares of these companies received a major boost and helped inject new momentum in the industry. Final hour of the week:

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Cisco Ventures Into the Cloud, Acquires Broadsoft for $1.9 Billion

Cisco has just signed a check worth $1.9 billion for Broadsoft, a clear sign that the company is set on moving away from switches and routers and expanding its product portfolio. Cisco, the world’s biggest producer of networking gear, announced on Monday that it offered Broadsoft $55 per share, a 28% premium over its closing

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Microsoft Azure Wins Big, Lands Deal With Cybersecurity Firm Symantec

Cybersecurity expert Symantec is looking to cut down on its data center costs by moving some of its workload to Microsoft Azure. The deal between the two companies, which was revealed on Monday, would see Symantec delivering its Norton product line to its customers from Azure. Microsoft announced that Symantec has already moved “105 critical

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How Cloud-Based ERP Can Benefit Small Businesses

There’s no question that small businesses have greatly benefited from today’s technology. Ten years ago, many companies would not have considered placing their enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems on a public cloud platform. But now it’s a route that more businesses are taking. Understanding Cloud ERP Cloud-based computing utilizes the Internet to administer shared computing

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Building the Bridge Between Tech and Productivity

LoggaWiggler / Pixabay We live in an age where technology plays a central role in every aspect of our lives; even in the work that we do. This has led to several trends within the workplace such as IoT and BYOD. But, despite the evolution in technology and the simplification of tasks, there still seems

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Is Your E-Commerce Business Using the Right Technology?

StockSnap / Pixabay Like any other business, running an e-commerce store requires operators to ensure that they have what it takes to turn in a profit. For some operators, this has been very easy. However, for others, finding the right tools and tricks for e-commerce success has been more of a dream than reality. No

Is Your E-Commerce Business Using the Right Technology? Read More »

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