
SBA Gets Bi-Partisan Letter Urging Protection of Small Businesses from Cyber Threats

Recently, Small Business Administration (SBA) Administrator Linda McMahon received a letter from two US Senators urging more be done to protect small businesses from cyber threats. Call to Increase SBA Cybersecurity Offerings The letter (PDF) was written by U.S. Senators Jim Risch (R-ID) Chairman of the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship and Ben

SBA Gets Bi-Partisan Letter Urging Protection of Small Businesses from Cyber Threats Read More »

The Most Persuasive Word in the English Language (Plus 3 Sales Letter Formulas that Put It to Work)

Imagine making one small change to your sales pages to get more people scrolling down the page and reading? It taps into your customers’ deepest desires, no matter who they are. But not just reading. Rushing to the buy button and purchasing your product or service. This change hooks your ideal prospects and turns them into

The Most Persuasive Word in the English Language (Plus 3 Sales Letter Formulas that Put It to Work) Read More »

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