
4 must-have features for your customer listening platform

Customer listening is now essential Ever talked with someone who doesn’t seem to listen to you or let you get a word in edgewise? Pretty annoying, right? The same is true in digital marketing. In order for you to market and, ultimately sell better, you need to listen as much as you talk. Only then

4 must-have features for your customer listening platform Read More »

5 must-have e-commerce tools to improve your results

Digital tools are a key part of growing your e-commerce business and can better help you understand and target the right audience In order to grow and scale your e-commerce business, digital tools are a must: marketing tools for helping you acquire more customers, analytics tools for understanding your audience and improving your strategy, competitor

5 must-have e-commerce tools to improve your results Read More »

72 Must-Have Resources and Tools For Freelance Writers

Freelance writing is an exciting and interesting profession. This is because, as a freelance writer you’re directly involved in the sprout of businesses and companies both offline and online, by helping in communicating their ideas effectively through writing. This leads to amplified audience engagement, improved online visibility, increased ROI, and so on. However, your career

72 Must-Have Resources and Tools For Freelance Writers Read More »

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