
FAA to Promote Spaceports and Neil deGrasse Tyson Says It’s About Time

Congress is set to approve a Federal Aviation Administration bill that authorizes a significant increase in spending for the FAA’s Office of Commercial Space Transportation (AST). However, what has brought excitement to astrophysicists and space enthusiasts is the provision on spaceports. Per SpaceNews, this requires AST to develop a report on spaceport policies, including recommendations on […]

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Facebook, Twitter and Google Hire German Censorship Army to Avoid Millions in Fines

According to a Wall Street Journal article, Facebook, Google and Twitter have hired censorship teams to remove user posted content that German law prohibits. As of January 1, 2018 a new law in Germany puts tech companies that allow user posted content at risk of fines of up to $60 million if they fail to

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Is Twitter Working on a System to Automate Censorship of Republicans and Conservatives?

Project Veritas, an undercover conservative journalistic organization, has caught Twitter engineers exposing how Twitter currently censors Republicans and conservative tweets. They sometimes allegedly use a concept called shadow banning, where a Twitter user continues to tweet without realizing that Twitter is not allowing their tweets into their followers feed. On January 3rd, 2018, Abhinov Vadrevu,

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Has Twitter Changed it’s Mind on an Advertising Transparency Center?

In October 2017 Twitter announced an Advertising Transparency Center saying “that it will offer everyone visibility into who is advertising on Twitter, details behind those ads, and tools to share your feedback.” As of this date, there has been no Ad Transparency Center nor any updates on its progress. Twitter previously said the Transparency Center will

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Google Sued By Fired Employee Alleging that White, Male Conservatives are Systematically Discriminated Against

James Damore, the former Google engineer who was fired in 2016 after releasing a manifesto that questioned the benefits of diversity programs, has filed a discrimination lawsuit against Google. Damore also discussed his belief that Google is politically biased in the manifesto saying, “At Google, we talk so much about unconscious bias as it applies

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How Will Trump’s NAFTA Proposal Impact eCommerce?

With the renegotiations of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) almost at hand, various groups within the three members of the trading block– Canada, Mexico, and the United States– are already busy lobbying their diverging positions on anticipated issues to be discussed. One potential flashpoint in the coming talks, which commences this August 16,

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President Trump Touts U.S. Economic Growth at Meeting With Small Business Owners

President Donald Trump hosted a White House event last Tuesday where he revealed a rosy future for American businesses and the nation’s economy in general. Attended by 100 small business owners from all over the country, the President praised those in attendance for their roles in powering up the nation’s economic recovery and also reiterated

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luckey palmer donald trump

Oculus Founder Palmer Luckey Wants To Build Donald Trump a Virtual Border Wall

  If Donald Trump can’t build his wall across the border to Mexico, Oculus founder Palmer Luckey will build him one—at least in the virtual sphere. Luckey, who is a known Trump supporter, has been putting his genius and resources toward a Big Brother technology that will effectively shut down efforts by illegal immigrants from

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facebook elected officials

New Facebook Badge Connects Elected Officials With Their Constituents

Facebook has now expanded its Town Hall concept, which allows people to reach out to their elected officials, as it came up with a dedicated feature for politicians themselves. With this feature, elected officials can further determine the pulse of their constituents, and better represent their voices in Congress. Facebook will let elected officials target

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