SEO – Search Engine Optimization

Study: Responding to reviews can improve paid-search conversion rates

Digital marketing agency Location3 has released a new study that argues more review stars translates into higher paid-search conversion rates. While this finding makes intuitive sense, the study documented it with 16 months of SEM campaign data. The data come from campaigns for national brands with local stores. In this context, “conversions” means post-click consumer

Study: Responding to reviews can improve paid-search conversion rates Read More »

How using search opportunities can guide link-building content strategies

Content and links are still pillars of search engine optimization (SEO). In fact, Google has told us in the past these components are two of the top three factors in Google’s search algorithm. By now, we should all know this, but many people are still making a critical mistake when it comes to content and links

How using search opportunities can guide link-building content strategies Read More »

The ultimate guide to bot herding and spider wrangling

This is Part 1 of a three-part series. We generally think about search engine optimization in relation to humans: What queries are my customers using? How can I get more bloggers to link to me? How can I get people to stay longer on my site? How can I add more value to my customers’

The ultimate guide to bot herding and spider wrangling Read More »

Spotlight on Search Engine Land Award Winners Brainlabs & Trimark Digital

During the last five weeks, Search Engine Land has conducted a number of interviews with last year’s Search Engine Land Award Winners. In this week’s series, we are featuring Brainlabs and Trimark Digital. Brainlabs was awarded two trophies at last year’s event: Best Retail Search Marketing Initiative for SEM and the Best B2C SEM Initiative

Spotlight on Search Engine Land Award Winners Brainlabs & Trimark Digital Read More »

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