
How Data Blending Can Enhance Your SEO Efforts

How Data Blending Can Enhance Your SEO Efforts

ttps://www.martechadvisor.com/”http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd”> Without context, data is just a collection of empty information. That’s where data blending comes in. By combining data streams from multiple sources, you can gain greater insights than you ever could looking at those sources in isolation. And those insights can be used to great effect in your search engine optimization efforts, writes, […]

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Improve Your Digital Marketing Efforts with these 5 Monitoring & Analysis Tools

Since social media has taken the whole world by storm, it has become incredibly necessary for businesses, especially startups to analyze what their competitors are doing online in order to get ahead of them on various social media platforms. If you own a website, then it is crucial for you to monitor and analyze every

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15 Content Marketing Statistics that Prove the Value of Your Efforts

Let’s take a pause. You’ve been running on the content hamster wheel, hopefully executing on an informed and actionable content marketing strategy. But what’s it all for? Why are we doing it in the first place? Let these 15 content marketing statistics remind you that, yes, you are on the right path. For starters, in

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How to Combine PR Outreach and SEO Efforts for a Brand Marketing Powerhouse

Every marketer knows there’s a fair share of tension between public relations and SEO teams. But the fact of the matter is that both sides are after the same thing: brand mentions. Sure, their methods of securing them differ: SEO teams create a masterful highway of backlinks over time, while PR teams pitch the storytelling

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Why You Should Consider the Impact of Music on Your Marketing Efforts

Leonard Bernstein said, “Music . . . can name the unnamable and communicate the unknowable.” And as businesses look to find new ways to communicate with their audience, they shouldn’t forget about music. When you add music to your content, it makes it that much more memorable. Whether you are launching a new marketing campaign,

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Two simple behavioral levers to improve your link building efforts

Link building is hard. Anyone who says otherwise has either not done much of it, or they’re trying to sell you a course. To make it even harder, there are a million supposed link building hacks and tactics on the web – and most of them are pretty bad. A quick Google search will net

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Top 8 Ideas to Improve Your Brand Initiatives Through Marketing Efforts

You have the vision in your mind: what your brand stands for, its personality, what it promises to customers. But despite your best marketing efforts, sometimes brand initiatives don’t quite deliver your glorious vision. It’s probably time to re-evaluate your core brand identity, a practice you should actually do fairly often. Assess the what, why

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TitleTap reveals results of SEO, security efforts | News

TitleTap recently released the results of its 2019 customer-wide study on search engine optimization (SEO) and security.   TitleTap’s study also examined cyberattacks and spam.   “It is no surprise that the real estate industry has been a constant target for fraud,” Chief Operating Officer Eliot Dill said in a release. “Many times fraudsters begin

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