Online Customer Experience

This Is the Worst Customer Service Mistake You Can Make

We’ve all experienced really bad customer service at some point in our lives. Whether it was failure to resolve an issue to our satisfaction (“sorry, no refund!”), or interminable waiting on hold, or outsourced customer service that really has no meaningful connection to the brand we engaged with, there’s plenty of frustration. Yet, we should […]

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How to Craft a Customer Experience That Creates Conversations

The common goal all business owners share is the desire to grow their business. I’m right there with them. By focusing on customer experience, businesses can achieve growth more effectively than through any other means. I recently presented on this exact topic during a fantastic event on customer experience with my friends at Qualtrics. Check

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Customer Experience Is STILL Underprioritized {New Research Proves It}

Customer experience has been on a tear, with business owners and executives reporting in multiple studies that it’s a top priority. In fact, research from our friends at Walker suggests that by 2020, customer experience will overtake price as the most important criteria among B2B buyers. By 2020, customer experience will overtake price as the

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8 Critical Conversational Marketing Statistics in 2019

“Conversational marketing” went from a chat app here and there to a full-fledged customer experience must-have, as even the analyst firm Gartner now recognizes it as its own category of software and services. What is conversational marketing? Loosely defined, “conversational marketing” includes live chat, chat bots, and social chat apps (via Messenger, WhatsApp). These tools

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Why Customer Experience is the Ultimate Marketing Tool

By 2020, a majority of purchase decisions will be made based on customer experience, not price. And according to a study from Temkin Group, a moderate increase in customer experience generates an average revenue increase of $823 million over three years for a company with $1 billion in annual revenues. INCREDIBLE. A moderate increase in customer

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The Ultimate Guide to Customer Experience

Not long ago, companies believed they could compete on price.  Empires were built on the ability to squeeze savings out of production and efficiency out of employees. Companies like Walmart became synonymous with “low cost,” while offering minimal (sometimes sub-optimal) service, and similar concepts began to crop up in other consumer-facing industries. Amazon cut prices

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Why Done Is Better than Perfect Is Now a Broken Philosophy

Facebook’s mantra for developers has long been “Move Fast and Break Things.” This idea of doing something, even if it’s not ideal was also adopted by Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg, who serves as the tech Oprah for millions of people. Her version of the slogan is “Done is Better than Perfect.” In the startup and “personal

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6 Digital Transformation Trends for 2019

Digital transformation is not a buzzword. I repeat. Digital transformation is not a buzzword. Digital transformation is much more than “corporate speak”, and we should not discount its legitimacy. Yes, “digital transformation” has been overused and diluted by executives and consultants to represent all aspects of digitalization in every facet of a business. But, when

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5 Ways to Get More Customers and Improve Customer Service with SMS

As marketers, our goal should always be to meet our customers where they are. As much as we may want to establish and control the parameters of every interaction, it doesn’t work that way. Greater success lies in letting the customer dictate how and where the conversation takes place. Today, the preferred medium across the

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Are Amazon and Lyft Making Online Reviews Too Important?

I’m really not sure what I think about this, so I’d love to discuss with you on Linkedin or Twitter. As I write this, it’s Thanksgiving Week in the United States, which means millions of people will spend billions of dollars on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and will temporarily say things like “doorbusters” without a trace of

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