
6 adages to heed as you begin using martech in earnest

Late last year, Gartner published a report that predicted that CMOs would spend more on technology than CTOs or IT directors this year. Seismic reverberations resonated around the business community. Had we reached a tipping point? A transfer of power from the tech team to the marketing team? Additionally, some CMOs wondered if they were […]

6 adages to heed as you begin using martech in earnest Read More »

Markforged’s top marketer on making the leap from martech leader to CMO

Cynthia Gumbert has been managing marketing technology before the martech industry was even a thing. Beginning her career as a field marketing engineer in the semi-conducter industry, Gumbert was drawn to the marketing functions of her job. “I was taking equipment to different sites like Intel, and AMD, and all these chip manufacturers, and loved

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Search marketers plan to attend SMX East to become martech trailblazers

We get it. Marketing is now a software-powered discipline that blends the art of creative and science of data. New technologies are deeply interwoven into marketing operations and strategy. Effectively harnessing them demands new capabilities, talent and management. Scott will offer insights and tactics in his keynote at SMX East including: the evolution of marketing from the

Search marketers plan to attend SMX East to become martech trailblazers Read More »

Talent Management – Interview Talking MarTech Careers with Michelle Huff, CMO at Act-On Software

Ginger Conlon:  Hi, I’m Ginger Conlon, Contributing Editor to MarTech Advisor and welcome to our MarTech Advisor video series speaking with CMO’s, and joining me today, I’m excited to announce, is Michelle Huff who is CMO of Act-On software. Welcome Michelle. Michelle Huff:  Thanks! Nice talking with you again. Ginger Conlon:  Yes, thank you for

Talent Management – Interview Talking MarTech Careers with Michelle Huff, CMO at Act-On Software Read More »

Martech and ad tech: Challenges and opportunities

The industry is abuzz with discussion about the unification of ad tech data with data from other marketing technologies. For some, a potential merger means finding ways to use data from martech to power ad tech. Others see massive differences between the two types of technologies and predict synergy by way of hybrid solutions that combine

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MarTech Recruiter Erica Seidel & Healthgrades SVP Jay Wilson discuss recruiting the right martech role

As the martech landscape continues to evolve at a breakneck speed, finding the right marketing technology talent could arguably be the biggest martech challenge companies face right now. Earlier this year, Jay Wilson, SVP of marketing platforms & services for Healthgrades, and his CMO, Andrea Pearson, decided the organization needed a marketing technology leader who

MarTech Recruiter Erica Seidel & Healthgrades SVP Jay Wilson discuss recruiting the right martech role Read More »

The Martech Purchase Process: How Tech Buyers Evaluate Vendors

Prospective buyers of marketing technologies rank demos, test drives, and self-driven online research as the most valuable methods for evaluating products/services, according to a recent report from Target Marketing, NAPCO Research, and IBM. The report was based on data from a survey of 315 businesspeople who are involved in the purchase process of marketing technologies

The Martech Purchase Process: How Tech Buyers Evaluate Vendors Read More »

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Organizing for Martech: Re-examining modern marketing

Many organizations are struggling to optimize their staffing and skills to compete in a rapidly changing marketing world. What worked yesterday in marketing and technology may not work today – or tomorrow. With the rapid infusion of technology into the marketing organization, tensions between marketing and IT are inevitable. How do you structure marketing to

Organizing for Martech: Re-examining modern marketing Read More »

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