http to https

The state of HTTPS in 2018: Why should you migrate?

People rarely take SEO recommendations seriously, especially when there are no direct repercussions of not following them on the horizon. So, when in 2014 Google confirmed HTTPS as a ranking signal – that is, recommended that all websites should migrate to HTTPS for the sake of their users’ security – few website owners took it as a direct

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Migrating HTTP to HTTPS: A step-by-step guide

On February 8th 2018 Google announced that, beginning in July of this year, Chrome will now be marking all HTTP sites as ‘not secure’, moving in line with Firefox, who implemented this at the beginning of 2017. This now means that the 71% of web users utilizing either browser will be greeted with a warning

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How to Get SSL (HTTPS) for Your Blog

If you run a blog or website you’ve probably heard about SSL certificates and the idea of moving your domain from the old http:// to the secure https:// version. It’s a very important topic. In fact, this is something that will affect the security, performance and even the search engine rankings of your blog. Today

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