Search Ads: General

Are you ready for the attribution changes coming to Google AdWords?

There is an old saying: the only constant in life is change! Word on the street and from Google is they’ll stop supporting last click attribution sometime this year. This means advertisers will have to opt into one of several other attribution models available in Google. In this article, I’ll provide some general commentary on

Are you ready for the attribution changes coming to Google AdWords? Read More »

How to build a stronger, more effective PPC team

I’ve been doing pay-per-click (PPC) since 1998, when virtually every setting was manual. While it was painful to manage everything by hand, it forced me to learn the ins and outs of PPC, and that helped me build a successful career.  Today, with automation playing an ever-more-important role in PPC, new account managers don’t have

How to build a stronger, more effective PPC team Read More »

Optimizing for quality score is a best practice, except when it’s not. Here’s why.

Quality score is a complex metric because it is a basic but fundamental component of ad rank. Optimizing for quality score is a best practice, except when it isn’t. A high quality score is a sign of account health, except when it isn’t. Like any other paid search “best practice,” it is only a best

Optimizing for quality score is a best practice, except when it’s not. Here’s why. Read More »

5 New Year’s resolutions for your PPC campaigns

It’s never too late for New Year’s resolutions, so why not give your PPC campaigns a little New Year’s love? In this article, I’ll provide suggestions to tune up your campaigns in 2018 and get them firing on all cylinders. 1. Review your ad copy Upgrading decent ad copy into fantastic ad copy almost always

5 New Year’s resolutions for your PPC campaigns Read More »

15 PPC pro tips for writing text ads

While every part of your PPC program is important, few elements are as crucial, or visible, as your ads. Often, your ads are prospects’ first introduction to your brand — and we all know how important first impressions are! Additionally, you need your ad to accomplish certain things. You want to grab attention, communicate your

15 PPC pro tips for writing text ads Read More »

Understanding AdWords keyword match types for manufacturers

In a previous column, I addressed the challenges paid search advertising can present to industrial manufacturers who sell capabilities versus stock products. Another challenge is the AdWords help files themselves. As an advertising platform, AdWords is geared more to retailers — when a platform uses common retail products to illustrate keyword strategies, it’s often hard

Understanding AdWords keyword match types for manufacturers Read More »

How to reverse-engineer your online advertising strategy

Online advertising experts love to talk about the importance of matching your landing page content to your ads. And you’ll get no argument from me — it’s a great way to improve the performance of your online advertising. I mean, it just makes sense. People click on your ad because the messaging resonates with them.

How to reverse-engineer your online advertising strategy Read More »

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