
Three tools providing actionable competitive research insight

Spying on your competitors’ marketing efforts is one of the most efficient ways to come up with your our marketing campaigns, learn new tactics as well as predict the future of your niche. The powerful driving source of any business is its competition. Competitors force us to move forward, implement changes and evolve. I am […]

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Engagement Insights Easily Delivers Marketing Metrics You Care About

The modern marketer is flooded with data. Website data. Pipeline data. Email data. Social  Media data. Views. Likes. Comments. Clicks. Cart abandonment. Conversions. There are vanity metrics, marketing metrics, and business metrics. It can be – and often is – overwhelming. As Act-On blogger Pam Neely recently reported, “53% of marketing executives feel ‘overwhelmed’ by

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How Do You Solve a Problem Like Facebook Live?

As social networks continue to try to outdo each other with new features, one of the most popular additions has been that of live video. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are increasingly putting the focus on video content, with reports that Facebook could be video-only by 2020. It’s understandable that video could become the de-facto method of content

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