
The Next Big Streaming War Is Going To Be Internationally… and Netflix Has a Huge Lead

“We are looking at it with a very US-centric perspective visa vie either Netflix or any of these big streaming wars next phase of growth,” says Propagate Content CEO Ben Silverman. “I think Netflix is just so ahead internationally in reaching out and creating subscriber growth and subscribers in general. The next phase of competition, […]

The Next Big Streaming War Is Going To Be Internationally… and Netflix Has a Huge Lead Read More »

Appeal Court Rules on Net Neutrality: Both Sides Declare Victory

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit has ruled on the controversial net neutrality rollbacks passed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). In 2018 the FCC moved to deregulate the broadband and telecommunications industries, setting off a battle that has repercussions for the very core of the Internet. At the heart of the

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Netflix Really Understands What’s Going On In Media Right Now

“People like to say everything is a Netflix killer,” says REDEF CEO Jason Hirschhorn. “Netflix is the market leader and they’re the one to beat. I think the only difference is the hunter has become the hunted. Netflix really understands what’s going on in media right now. They foresaw that content would be pulled and

Netflix Really Understands What’s Going On In Media Right Now Read More »

The Over-the-Top Marketing Juggernauts Have Arrived

“Netflix versus Disney is the right comp,” says Laura Martin of Needham. “Netflix just raised price and Disney is now saying they are going to do a $12.99 bundle for Hulu, ESPN Plus, and Disney Plus, That feels like bundling is a smart idea and free services feel like a better value. I think what

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Does Netflix Have Enough Stuff To Keep Us Coming Back?

“Does Netflix have enough stuff that’s good enough to keep us coming back?” asks Michael Pachter of Wedbush. “That’s the real acid test. I actually think all these metrics they’re giving us on the crap shows are telling you that people are willing to watch whatever they throw at them because they’re running out of

Does Netflix Have Enough Stuff To Keep Us Coming Back? Read More »

If It’s a Streaming War We’d Like To Be an Arms Dealer, Says IAC CEO

“If it’s a streaming war we’d like to be an arms dealer,” says IAC CEO Joey Levin. “We want to send the product and services to people who are making video. Video is relevant not just to people building streaming services, which there are now endless amounts of that and endless amounts of capital, but

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All of Broadcasting Is In Danger From Streaming, Says Barry Diller

“It’s all of broadcasting that’s in danger because of what’s happened with streaming and with other services in that the only people who are willing to watch commercials are people that can’t afford to buy the goods being sold,” says media mogul Barry Diller. “That’s an existential long-term issue. It’s a fascinating time because it

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The Disruption In Our Industry, It’s Manic, Says Ogilvy CEO

“The pace of change, the disruption in our industry, it’s manic,” says  Ogilvy Global CEO John Seifert. “We’re all trying to get our arms around it. The hope I have for convening moments like Cannes is the clients and their partners in tech and creative communications and data start to come together and work harder

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Disney Takes a Playbook Out of Digitally Native Companies

“All of a sudden people are realizing that Disney is going to take the advantages that they have, content that nobody else has, moats that give them actual real leverage in the negotiations, and then they’re going to actually take a playbook out of these more digitally native companies,” says Sean Ammirati of Birchmere Ventures.

Disney Takes a Playbook Out of Digitally Native Companies Read More »

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