Search Marketing: Branding

The importance of targeting branded searches

Search experts understand the importance of targeting non-branded search terms: Optimizing for high-volume, non-branded terms can drive a significant amount of traffic to your brand’s site. While targeting non-branded search terms plays an essential role in your overall search strategy, many brands still underestimate and neglect the power of branded search terms. By relying on

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Four brand-building activities that lay the foundation for SEO

At Google’s inception, one innovation differentiated it as a search engine: It used information gained from off-site sources to inform its estimation of the relevance, importance and quality of pages in its index. Originally, this source of off-site information was the network of links found by crawling the web. Nearly two decades later, in 2017,

Four brand-building activities that lay the foundation for SEO Read More »

Why you shouldn’t put too many eggs in one shopping basket

No matter where they’re located or what market they serve, retailers around the globe have questions about how consumers use search and Amazon. At Bing (my employer), we’ve found that retailers — regardless of size — ask us about the same three things: Where do consumers look for products online? How do users behave differently

Why you shouldn’t put too many eggs in one shopping basket Read More »

6 web properties you can use to protect your branded search results (with real examples)

This article was co-authored with my colleague at Go Fish Digital, Samantha Hughes. Working at an agency that does a large amount of online reputation and crisis management, brand protection is always top of mind. I’ve written about how autocomplete is your brand’s true first impression, and that is still very much the case. What

6 web properties you can use to protect your branded search results (with real examples) Read More »

Site category exclusions for Google Display Network getting brand safety update

Google is refining the options it gives advertisers for excluding categories of sites from their display network campaigns on the Google Display Network. With this change, several current site category exclusions are being eliminated or recategorized, and a couple of new ones are being added. As of last week, several exclusions are no longer available

Site category exclusions for Google Display Network getting brand safety update Read More »

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